Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • <aspect>
  •       <configuration>
  •            <lifecycle>
  •                <scxml>
  •                     <state>
  •                          <datamodel>
  •                               <data>
  •                                     <item>
  •                                           <permissions>
  •                                                 <permission>
  •                                           <validations>
  •                                                 <validation>
  •                                                       <parameter>
  •                                     <js>
  •                                           <console function=""> <console>
  •                                                 <script type="text/javascript"> <script>
  •                                           <server function="">
  •                                                 <script type="text/javascript">
  •                                     <execution forEvent="" class="">
  •                                           <parameter name="" value=""/>
  •                                     <ui forEvent="" href=""/>
  •                          <transition event="" target=""/>


Sample Implementations


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XML Syntax<console function="">


An executor is business logic that is executed once a state transition happens in a lifecycle. The execution element defines the event and the execution class that will be invoked at runtime.

  • The forEvent attribute - Defines the event for which this execution should be performed. This gives user the flexibility to define executions for each event.
  • The class attribute - Defines the class that needs to be executed at runtime. A user must give the full, qualified name of a class that implements the Execution interface, as the value of the attribute class.


<ui forEvent="" href=""/>



Defines the JavaScript function that needs to be executed on the client side.

Default Value 
Fixed Values 
Attributes of the Element
AttributeDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes

Defines the name of the function which will be executed at a transition from one state to another.

Sample Implementations


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XML Syntax<script type="text/javascript">

Contains the actual JavaScript code segment. A user has the ability to define any code segment here.

Default Value 
Fixed Values 
Attributes of the Element
AttributeDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes


  Set to text/javascript because, at the time of this writing, Governance Registry only supports JavaScript as a scripting language.  
Sample Implementations


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XML Syntax<script type="text/javascript">

Contains the actual JavaScript code segment. A user has the ability to define any code segment here.

Default Value 
Fixed Values 
Attributes of the Element
AttributeDescriptionTypeDefault ValueFixed ValuesMandatory/OptionalNotes


  Set to text/javascript because, at the time of this writing, Governance Registry only supports JavaScript as a scripting language.  
Sample Implementations


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<execution forEvent="" class="">

An executor is business logic that is executed once a state transition happens in a lifecycle. The execution element defines the event and the execution class that will be invoked at runtime.

  • The forEvent attribute - Defines the event for which this UI will be presentedexecution should be performed. This gives user the flexibility to define executions for each event.
  • The href class attribute - Defines the hyperlink class that will be opened and presented to the user, when a lifecycle operation is performed from the Management Console.
<js forEvent="">


<console function="">

The console element defines the JavaScript function that needs to be executed on the client side.
The function attribute defines the name of the function which will be executed at a transition of one state to another.

<script type="text/javascript">


  • needs to be executed at runtime. A user must give the full, qualified name of a class that implements the Execution interface, as the value of the attribute class.


<ui forEvent="" href=""/>

A UI element is a mechanism to associate a user interface with a particular event during a given transition. This provides a convinient way for a user to pass input
that would be utilized when performing a transition.

  • The forEvent attribute - Defines the event for which this UI will be presented.
  • The href attribute - Defines the hyperlink that will be opened and presented to the user, when a lifecycle operation is performed from the Management Console.


<server function="">

This is the same as the console function and the only difference is that this element defines the scripts that need to be executed on the server side.
