Now, you should be able to understand why we have specified http://wso2.org/claims/givenName
as the claimuri Claim Uri for First Name attribute in the service policy.
Step 3
Now, all what left is to work on the service consumer. Basically, we need to generate the RequestSecurityToken programmatically using a client, insert into the web service request and send to Axis2Service.
The wst:RequestSecurityToken element is used to request a security token from STS.
It will be a child of SOAP body. At the minimum level, the RequestSecurityToken element will be similar to the following.
Code Block | ||
| ||
<wst:RequestSecurityToken xmlns:wst="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust">
<wst:Claims xmlns:wsp="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/trust"
<wsid:ClaimType xmlns:wsid="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity"
<wsid:ClaimType xmlns:wsid="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity"
</wst:RequestSecurityToken> |
You would like to compare this with the SupportingToken policy assertion which we defined in step 1. In this, we will request a SAML2 token from STS (see wst:TokenType element) and indicate that the keytype is bearer. We also define the two claims we would present to the Web Service, givenname and emailaddress.
You can include RequestSecurityToken element into a SOAP message body and send to STS. You can use soapUI SOAP request editor as shown below.
Since we are using usernametoken authentication when submitting token request to STS, specify username and password under the "Aut" tab in soapUI. Also specify WSS-passwordType as plaintext and WSS timeto live to some integer value. Make sure to enable WS-Addressing for the token request.
With all these, when you submit the request to STS endpoint (in our case, https://localhost:9444/services/wso2carbon-sts
), you will get a response with the generated token (RequestSecurityTokenResponse). You will notice it in the response view of the above screen shot.
Now, you can extract the saml2:Assertion element from the response and embed it with the actual web service request message. For that, you can try adding SAML WSS entry for soapUI request and copy the extracted saml2:Assertion element into the Enter SAML Assertion text area as shown in the following screen shot. However, I was unsuccessful sending a message with bearer confirmation method with soapUI-4.5.2. It seems soapUI still supports sender vouches confirmation method only.