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To use this feature, apply the 5734 WUM update to WSO2 IS 5.7.0 using the WSO2 Update Manager (WUM). To deploy a WUM update into production, you need to have a paid subscription. If you do not have a paid subscription, you can use this feature with WSO2 Identity Server 5.10.0. For more information on updating WSO2 Identity Server using WUM, see Getting Started with WUM in the WSO2 Administration Guide.

WSO2 Identity Server allows the user to confirm their account via a user-preferred channel. Based on the user-preference, the user self-registration process supports email or mobile as the preferred account confirmation channel for the user. Each channel has the following attributes.

The account confirmation channel is selected based on the following scenarios.

  • SMS: If the user has provided only the mobile number, the selected channel will be SMS.

  • Email: If the user has provided only the email address, the selected channel will be EMAIL. 

  • Either SMS or email: If the user has provided both mobile number and email address, the channel will be either SMS or EMAIL.
    In this case,
     the account confirmation channel will be the preferred channel selected by the specific user. If the user has not specified any preferred channel, the server configured channel is selected as the account confirmation channel.

This guide provides information regarding the APIs used for this implementation.

Table of Contents


For instructions on configuring WSO2 IS to use a preferred notification channel, see Configuring a User Preferred Notification Channel.


  • User self-registration can be configured tenant wise (For more information, see user self-registration configurations ).

  • WSO2 Identity Server supports two types of self-registration requests:

    Self-registration with pre-verified claims
    • The user is already verified prior to the self-registration using an external mechanism. Therefore, there is no need to verify the user account.


      This feature is only supported when the prior verified channel is either EMAIL or SMS.

    • If any of the above channels are verified external to WSO2 Identity Server, the Phone Verified and Email Verified claims need to be included in the request with the value set to TRUE
      For example, if the mobile number is already verified, then the Phone verified claim needs to be in the self-registration request with the value set to TRUE.

    Self-registration with post user account verifications

    The user is not verified prior to the self-registration. The user account needs to be verified after the user self-registration process via internal channels or external channels.

  • A claim with a user’s preference can be included in the request. To do this, add a new claim called "Preferred Channel". This claim is optional but it is recommended to send the claim with the request as follows:


    Preferred channel:

  • Once the server receives a self-registration request, the server will send notifications based on the following scenarios:

    • Initiate a self-registration request and verify the user account via WSO2 IS
      The server sends notifications to the user by resolving the communication channel internally. The notification channel resolution is as follows.

    • Initiate a self-registration request, verify user account externally and confirm the flow to WSO2 IS.
      The server provides a confirmation code to be used to confirm the user account.

    • Self-register after pre-confirmation of the user account, with verified claims.
      The user is already verified. In this case, the user account should not be locked or prompted for verification. Therefore, no notifications are sent.

Notification channel selection criteria

  1. The user inputs the notification details with other user claims. 
  2. If channel resolving is not enabled, the notification channel is set to use the server default notification channel. 
  3. If it is enabled, the next check is if the user has specified a preferred channel:
    1. If the user has only provided an email address or mobile number as the communication channel and has not specified a preferred channel, the notification will be sent via the channel that is given in the request as a claim value.  
      For example, if only the mobile number has been provided, the mobile (SMS) is considered as the preferred channel. 
    2. If the user has specified a preferred channel and the preferred channel matches the given claim value, the notification is sent via the preferred channel. 
      For example, the preferred channel is specified as SMS and has provided claim value is a mobile number.
    3. If the user has specified a preferred channel and the preferred channel does not match the given claim value, a 400 ERROR is returned.  
      For example, the preferred channel is specified as SMS but there is no claim value or the provided value is not a mobile number.

    4. If the user has provided both email and mobile as communication channels and has specified the preferred channel, the notification will be sent via the preferred channel. 
    5. If the user has provided both email and mobile as communication channels but not specified the preferred channel, the notification will be sent via the server default channel. 
  4. Once the communication channel is resolved, an event is triggered. Once the event is triggered, the notification handlers will send notifications to the user.
    The event name will be in the following format.

    ChannelEvent Name

API requests and responses

Scenario one: User self registers when notifications are internally managed and the account is locked on creation.

titleUser self registers with verified claims

Sub scenario: The user self registers with verified claims. 
In this scenario, if the verified claims match the preferred notification channel, the user will be created and the account will be unlocked (HTTP: 201). 

Code Block
titleSample Request
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"user": {"username": "kim","realm": "PRIMARY", "password": "Password12!","claims": [{"uri": "","value": "kim" },{"uri": "","value": ""},{"uri": "","value": "true"},{"uri": "","value": "Anderson"},{"uri": "","value": "+947721584558"} ] },"properties": []}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/me"
Code Block
titleSample Response
"code": "USR-02004",
"message": "Successful user self registration with verified channel. Account verification not required.",
"notificationChannel": null,
"confirmationCode": null

If the verified claims do not match the preferred notification channel, the user will be created and the user will be asked to verify the account via the preferred channel. The following response will be returned by the API.

Code Block
titleSample Response
"code": "USR-02001",
"message": "Successful user self registration. Pending account verification",
"notificationChannel": "EMAIL",
"confirmationCode": null

The received verified claim will be set as an attribute to the user and the account will be unlocked only upon confirmation.

titleUser self registers without verified claims

Sub scenario:  The user self registers without verified claims.
A notification will be sent to the user and the user will be asked to verify via the preferred channel. After confirmation, verified claims will be set as attributes of the user (HTTP: 201). 

Code Block
titleSample Request
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"user": {"username": "kim","realm": "PRIMARY", "password": "Password12!","claims": [{"uri": "","value": "kim" },{"uri": "","value": ""},{"uri": "","value": "Anderson"},{"uri": "","value": "+947721584558"} ] },"properties": []}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/me"
Code Block
titleSample Response
"code": "USR-02001",
"message": "Successful user self registration. Pending account verification",
"notificationChannel": "SMS",
"confirmationCode": null

Scenario Two:  User self registers when notifications are externally managed and the account is locked on creation. 

titleUser self registers with verified claims

Sub scenario: The user self registers with verified claims. 
In this scenario, if the verified claims match the preferred notification channel, the user will be created and the account will be unlocked (HTTP: 201).

Code Block
titleSample Request
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"user": {"username": "kim","realm": "PRIMARY", "password": "Password12!","claims": [{"uri": "","value": "kim" },{"uri": "","value": ""},{"uri": "","value": "true"},{"uri": "","value": "Anderson"},{"uri": "","value": "+947721584558"} ] },"properties": []}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/me"
Code Block
titleSample Response
"code": "USR-02004",
"message": "Successful user self registration with verified channel. Account not locked on user creation.",
"notificationChannel": null,
"confirmationCode": null

If the verified claims do not match the preferred notification channel, the user will be created and a confirmation code will be returned. Therefore, verify the user account externally and use the issued confirmation code to confirm the flow to WSO2 Identity Server.

Code Block
titleSample Response
"code": "USR-02002", "message":
"Successful user self registration. External verification required",
"notificationChannel": "EXTERNAL",
"confirmationCode": "fb03f437-a46f-4da1-8e99-fafab4aad4a4"
titleUser self registers without verified claims

Sub scenario:  The user self registers without verified claims.
A confirmation code will be returned so that the user can verify it externally. The confirmation code should be used with the code validation API to complete the self-registration process. After confirmation, the verified claims will be set as attributes of the user (HTTP: 201).

Code Block
titleSample Request
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"user": {"username": "kim","realm": "PRIMARY", "password": "Password12!","claims": [{"uri": "","value": "kim" },{"uri": "","value": ""},{"uri": "","value": "Anderson"},{"uri": "","value": "+947721584558"} ] },"properties": []}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/me"
Code Block
titleSample Response
"code": "USR-02002", "message":
"Successful user self registration. External verification required",
"notificationChannel": "EXTERNAL",
"confirmationCode": "fb03f437-a46f-4da1-8e99-fafab4aad4a4"

Scenario Three:  The user self registers and the account is not locked on creation.

When the account is unlocked on user creation, no notifications will be sent to the user and the account of the user will not be locked at creation. The following response will be returned by the API (HTTP: 201).

Code Block
titleSample Response
"code": "USR-02003",
"message": "Successful user self registration. Account not locked on user creation",
"notificationChannel": null,
"confirmationCode": null

Error responses

  • Providing an existing username (HTTP: 409)

    Code Block
    "code": "20030",
    "message": "Conflict",
    "description": "User TestUser1 already exists in the system. Please use a different username."
  • Preferred channel not supported by the server (HTTP: 400)

    Code Block
    "code": "USR-10001",
    "message": "Bad Request",
    "description": "User specified communication channel is not supported by the server"
  • Not providing value to the preferred channel claim (HTTP: 400)
    Example: specifying the preferred channel as EMAIL but not providing the claim value for the claim

    Code Block
    "code": "USR-10002",
    "message": "Bad Request",
    "description": "User specified communication channel does not have any value"

Account confirmation API 

For account confirmations, WSO2 Identity Server now supports multiple verification channels and allows defining the verified channel (i.e., whether the account confirmation was communicated via EMAIL or SMS) in the API request.  A sample request JSON body is as follows.

Code Block
"code": "1a39ec29-9417-4f69-93b6-b7f2bbf75413",
"verifiedChannel":{"type":"SMS", "claim":""},
"properties": []

Using the verifiedChannel parameter, the user can be verified with any server supported channel. In the above example, using the confirmation code, the SMS channel for the user can be set as the verified notification channel.

Code Block
titleSample Request
curl -k -v -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "code": "84325529-8aa7-4851-8751-5980a7f2d9f7","verifiedChannel":{"type":"SMS", "claim":""},"properties": []}' "https://localhost:9443/api/identity/user/v1.0/validate-code"


Property NameDescription

Type of verified notification channel.

Currently, WSO2 IS supports SMS and EMAIL channels.

Claim The value claim of the verified channel.
All claims and terms are case sensitive.

In an account confirmation request,

  • If the request does not specify the verifiedChannel parameter, the Email Verified claim will be set to TRUE by the server.
  • If the request includes the verifiedChannelparameter, and if the verified channel is supported by the server, the verified claim associated with that channel will be set to TRUE.
  • If the verified channel is not supported, an error will be thrown.