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  1. Start the CEP, log in to its management console, select Execution Plans and click Add Execution Plan.
  2. Enter details in the form that appears and click the Add Execution Plan button at the end of the form. For example,

    The fields in the above configuration are described below:

    • Execution Plan Name : Can contain only alphanumeric characters and '_' character
    • Description : This is optional
    • Snapshot time interval : Defines how often the state of the processing engine should be persisted, which is used to restore after a system crash. The default value is 0, which disables this feature. If snapshot is enabled, you must start the CEP with the embedded Cassandra server enabled. To do this, specify -Ddisable.cassandra.server.startup=false option at server startup.
    • Query expressions: See Siddhi Language Specification on how to write queries. When writing query expressions, you must import the required streams from event builders. The As field maps the incoming stream to a stream name suitable for the Siddhi processing engine. It can contain only alphanumeric characters and '_' character.

      In the text field that follows imported streams, you can enter any number of CEP statements, each ending with a semicolon. For example,

      The Exported streams section allows you to expose the output streams from Siddhi to the event formatter with preferred stream IDs. For example,

      For the StreamId, provide a character string that starts with an alphabetic because it is considered as a java variable in Siddhi. Stream Id is a combination of stream name and version. E.g., testStream:1.0.0.

  3. After an execution plan is successfully created, you can change its configuration and redeploy it. To do this, click the Edit link associated with it. You can also click the other links associated with it to delete or enable statistics and tracing.
  4. An XML based editor opens allowing you to edit the event builder configuration from the UI itself, without having to edit the file in the file system. Do your modifications and click Update.
  5. Alternatively,  

    you can specify an event builder execution plan configuration using an XML file and save it in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/eventbuildersexecutionplans directory, which is the event builder execution plan deployment directory. Since hot deployment is enabled, you can simply add/remove files to deploy/undeploy from the server.

    Create the XML file with the following XML based event builder configurations. Event builder Execution plan implementation must start with <eventbuilder> <executionplan> root element and the namespace set to  as as in the example below:

  6. Once all mandatory fields are filled, add the execution plan. If the execution plan deploys successfully, it will be displayed under the available execution plans section in Event Processor menu.








Editing an Execution Plan Configuration through the Management Console

By Clicking the Edit button of the relevant execution plan, you will able to edit the execution plan configuration and redeploy it. When you click the Edit button, it will redirect to a xml based editor window which allows you to edit the execution plan configuration from UI without opening the configuration file in the file system.

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Configuring through an XML file

You can specify an execution plan configuration through an xml file and deploy it in the deployment directory of the server. Execution Plan deployment directory is located at <CARBON_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/executionplans . This is a hot deployment directory and execution plan configurations can be easily deployed and undeployed by placing/removing the xml file there.

1. Create a xml file, enter the execution plan configuration details.


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