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Let's take a look at some concepts and terminology that you need to know in order to follow the use cases.


A runtime, backend component (an API proxy) developed using WSO2 ESB. API Gateway secures, protects, manages, and scales API calls. It intercepts API requests, applies policies such as throttling and security using handlers and manages API statistics. Upon validation of a policy, the Gateway passes Web service calls to the actual backend. If the service call is a token request, the Gateway passes it directly to the Key Manager

When the API Manager is running, you can access the Gateway using the URL https://localhost:9443/carbon. You integrate a monitoring and statistics analytics component to the API Manager without any additional configuration effort. This monitoring component integrates with WSO2 Data Analytics Server, which can be deployed separately to analyze events. For more information, see Working with Statisticsby configuring WSO2 API Manager Analytics. This component provides reports, statistics and graphs on the APIs deployed in WSO2 API Manager. You can then configure alerts to monitor these APIs and detect unusual activity, manage locations via geo location statistics and carry out detailed analysis of the logs.


Although the API Gateway contains ESB features, it is recommended not to use it for ESB-specific tasks. Use it only for Gateway functionality related to API invocations. For example, if you want to call external services like SAP, use a separate ESB cluster for that.


Traffic Manager


Traffic Manager

The Traffic Manager helps users to regulate API traffic, make APIs and applications available to consumers at different service levels, and secure APIs against security attacks. The Traffic Manager features a dynamic throttling engine to process throttling policies in real-time, including rate limiting of API requests. For more information, see Working with Throttling.


When an API is created, a file with its synapse configuration is added to the API Gateway. You can find it in the<APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api folder. It has a set of handlers, each of which is executed on the APIs in the same order they appear in the configuration. You find the default handlers in any API's Synapse definition.


Additionally, monitoring and analytics are provided by the analytics component, WSO2 API Manager Analytics. This component provides a host of statistical graphs, an alerting mechanism on pre-determined events and a log analyzer. For more information, see Analytics.


Users and roles

The API Manager offers four distinct community roles that are applicable to most enterprises:


Then, log in to the API Publisher, go to the Doc Docs tab of an API and click Add new New Document to see a new drop-down list added to select visibility from:

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You set visibility in the following ways:


The diagram below shows a resource by the name CheckPhoneNumber added with four HTTP methods.

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 When you add resources to an API, you define a URL pattern and HTTP methods. A resource can also have a list of OAuth scopes.


HTTP methods specify the desired action to be performed on an API's resource. You can select multiple methods from GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD and OPTIONS. A method has attributes such as an OAuth scope, authentication type, response content type, parameters etc. as the diagram below shows:

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The main attributes of a method are described below:


Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows restricted resources (e.g., fonts, JavaScript) of a Web page to be requested from another domain outside the domain from which the resource originated.

The Swagger API Console that is integrated in the API Manager runs as a JavaScript client in the API Store and makes calls from the Store to the API Gateway. Therefore, if you have the API Store and Gateway running on different ports, enable CORS between them. 


Code Block
   <handler class=""/>


OAuth scopes

Scopes enable fine-grained access control to API resources based on user roles. You define scopes to an API's resources. When a user invokes the API, his/her OAuth 2 bearer token cannot grant access to any API resource beyond its associated scopes.
