WSO2 Carbon is shipped with a secure vault implementation which is a modified version of synapse secure vault. It provides capability to securely store sensitive data such as plaintplain-text passwords in configuration files. All WSO2 Carbon-based products inherit the secure vault implementation from the core Carbon platform, which is used for configuration files of the WSO2 Carbon platform, such as user-mgt.xml, Carbon.xml, Axis2.xml, registry.xml etc. All WSO2 Carbon-based products inherit the secure vault implementation from the core Carbon platform. For more information, refer to section WSO2 Carbon Secure Vault under Carbon Tools.
However, when securing passwords of more product-specific configuration files such as data service configurations, theĀ there are slight differences in the steps, as illustrated below.
WSO2 Data Services Server provides the feature to securely store sensitive data such as password fields in data service configuration files, using the Secure Vault functionality. Users can encript encrypt their passwords using tokens instead of the actual password inside the data service configuration file. This guide will explain you how to secure your password in data-source configuration.