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The HL7 Transport (New in Carbon 4.0) allows you to handle Health Level 7 International (HL7) messages. It is available when you install the Axis2 Transport HL7 feature. After you install the HL7 transport, it is configured in <ESB_HOME>/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml as follows:


6. Set the Java system property "" to control the encoding type of incoming messages.

Configuring the TIMEOUT period for waiting response from backend application

In general, we don't depend on the backend application's response. What we do is, sending back an "Accept-Acknowledgement" message to client. But in some usecases, user wants to depend on the "Application-Acknowledgement". In such cases,the request thread has to wait till the backend application returns the response. We can configure that, TIMEOUT period at transport level.

eg: <parameter name="transport.hl7.TimeOut">1000</parameter>




titleSample configuration

<transportReceiver name="hl7" class="">
<parameter name="transport.hl7.TimeOut">1000</parameter>

Please note that Timeout value has to be provided in Milliseconds.  





Information about the HL7 Transport in WSO2 ESB.