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The HL7 Transport (New in Carbon 4.0) allows you to handle Health Level 7 International (HL7) messages. It is available when you install the Axis2 Transport HL7 feature. After you install the HL7 transport, it is configured in <ESB_HOME>/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml as follows:


6. Set the Java system property "" to control the encoding type of incoming messages.

 Setting Application-Acknowledgement

User has to define a property in the sequence  to make system to identify the "application-acknowledgement" configuration. 

eg: <property name="HL7_APPLICATION_ACK" value="true" scope="axis2"/> 


User has to define this property in the InSequence, to make the system, to wait for response from the backend application or to generate the Accept-Acknowledgement messages.


Configuring the TIMEOUT period for waiting response from backend application

In general, we don't depend on the backend application's response. What we do is, sending back an "Accept-Acknowledgement" message to client. But in some usecases, user wants to depend on the "Application-Acknowledgement". In such cases,the request thread has to wait till the backend application returns the response. We can configure that, TIMEOUT period at transport level.

eg: <parameter name="transport.hl7.TimeOut">1000</parameter> 

titleSample configuration

<transportReceiver name="hl7" class="">
<parameter name="transport.hl7.TimeOut">1000</parameter>

Please note that Timeout value has to be provided in Milliseconds.  





Information about the HL7 Transport in WSO2 ESB.