Versions Compared


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  1. Configure the following email settings in the <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/output-event-adapters.xml file. 

    mail.smtp.fromProvide the email address of the SMTP account.
    mail.smtp.userProvide the username of the SMTP account.
    mail.smtp.passwordProvide the password of the SMTP account.
    Code Block
    <adapterConfig type="email">
        <!-- Comment mail.smtp.user and mail.smtp.password properties to support connecting SMTP servers which use trust
            based authentication rather username/password authentication -->
        <property key="mail.smtp.from"></property>
        <property key="mail.smtp.user">abcd</property>
        <property key="mail.smtp.password">xxxx</property>
        <property key=""></property>
        <property key="mail.smtp.port">587</property>
        <property key="mail.smtp.starttls.enable">true</property>
        <property key="mail.smtp.auth">true</property>
        <!-- Thread Pool Related Properties -->
        <property key="minThread">8</property>
        <property key="maxThread">100</property>
        <property key="keepAliveTimeInMillis">20000</property>
        <property key="jobQueueSize">10000</property>

    Tip: The email template used to send this email notification is the AccountConfirmation template.

    You can edit and customize the email template. For more information on how to do this, see Customizing Automated Emails.

  2. Start the WSO2 IS server and log in to the tenant domain from the management console: https://<IS_HOST>:<IS_PORT>/carbon  
    If you started WSO2 IS previously, make sure to stop it and start it again for the email settings to get updated in the pack.


    For more information on creating a tenant, see Creating and Managing Tenants

  3. Click Resident under Identity Providers on the Main tab and expand the Account Management Policies tab.
  4. Expand the User Self Registration tab and configure the following properties as required. 

    Enable Self User RegistrationSelect to enable self registration.
    Enable Account Lock On Creation EnabledSelect to enable account locking during self registration.
    Enable Notification Internally ManagementSelect if you want the notification handling to be managed by the WSO2 Identity Server. If the client application handles notification sending already, unselect it. This check only applies if Security Question Based Password Recovery is enabled.
    Enable reCaptchaSelect to enable reCaptcha for the self sign up flow. See Configuring reCaptcha for Password Recovery Flow for more information.
    User self registration code expiry time

    Set the number of minutes for which the verification code should be valid. The verification code that is provided to the user to initiate the self sign-up flow will be invalid after the time specified here has elapsed.


    Alternatively, you can configure the expiry time in the identity.xml configuration file.

    Code Block

  5. Expand the  Login Policies  tab, then the  Account Locking  tab and select  Account Lock Enabled.
    This allows the account to be locked until the user confirms the account. Once the user activates the account through the email received, the account is unlocked. For more information about account locking, see  Configuring WSO2 IS for see User Account Locking and Account Disabling

Try out self sign up

  1. Access the WSO2 Identity Server dashboard.
  2. Click the Register Now? link. 
    Once the user has registered, first you receive an account lock email because the account is locked until you confirm the account and then you receive an account confirmation email.

    titleRegister Users for a Tenant

    If you want to self sign up a user for a specific tenant, you need to provide the Username in the following format: <USERNAME>@<TENAND_DOMAIN>

    For example, if you have a tenant domain as, the username needs to be
  3. Click Confirm Registration in the email or copy the link in the email to your browser to confirm the account.
    Once you confirm the account, the account is unlocked and an email is sent.
