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Email event adapter is an internal event adaper that comes with WSO2 products by defaultIt can be configured with XML, text, and JSON input mapping types.


NOTE TO WRITERS: Add the TOC here.

Table of Contents


Follow the steps below to complete the prerequisites before starting the input adapter configurations.

  1. Enable the mail transport receiver in Axis2 level by uncommenting the following line in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/axi2/axis2.xml file:
    <transportReceiver name="mailto" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.mail.MailTransportListener"/>
  2. Remove any rich text formatting from the email body. It must contain only plain text. 

Configuring input email event adapter

The topics below explain how to You can configure the email input event adapter using the management console or using a configuration file.

Using the management console
Using the management console
Configure using the management console


Follow the instructions below to configure input WSO2Event event adapter using the management console. This deploys the event adapter in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/

repository/deployment/server/inputeventadaptors/ directory.

  1. Log in to product's management console, and click Event Processor Configs in the Configure menu.
  2. Click Add Input Event Adaptor in the Input Event Adaptors menuEvent Adaptors in the Event Processor Configs menu, and then click Add Input Event Adaptor.
  3. Enter details as shown in the below example.

    Fields Properties of the above screen configuration are described below:. 


    Event Adaptor Name
    : emailAdaptor
    Name of the input event adapter
    Event Adaptor Type
    : email
    Type of the input event adapter
    Receiving Mail Address
    Mail address, where the product used to retrieve the mails
    Receiving Mail Protocol
    Can be either
    POP or
    IMAP (If you select
    IMAP, make sure it is enabled in your
    email account settings)
    Poll Interval
    In which time limit the product needs to check for new mails
    Receiving Mail Protocol
    POP, and
    Receiving Mail Protocol Port
    POP, and 993
  4. Click  Add Event Adaptor.



After an adapter is successfully added, click  Edit to change its configuration and redeploy it. This will open a XML-based editor allowing you to edit the event adapter configurations from the UI. Do your modifications and click  Update . You can also delete it or enable statistics and tracing using the provided UI options.


Email event adapter can be configured with XML input mapping, Text Mapping and JSON Mapping.


  1. IMAP
    User NameUsername of the email account
    PasswordUsername of the email account
    Receiving Mail Protocol Port SocketFactory ClassClass of the receiving mail protocol port
    Receiving Mail Protocol SocketFactory FallBackTo enable or disable fallback of the receiving mail protocol class


  2. Click  Add Event Adaptor.

Using the management console
Using the management console


Configure using a configuration file

Follow the instructions below to configure input email event adapter using a configuration file.

  1. Create a an XML file with the following Qpid input email event adaptor adapter configurations.


     Input event adaptor implementation must start with <inputEventAdaptor> as the root element.

    Code Block
    <inputEventAdaptor name="emailAdaptor" type="email" xmlns="">
      <property name="mail.protocol.socketFactory.fallback">false</property>
      <property name="transport.mail.Address"></property>
      <property name="mail.protocol.password">mailpassword</property>
      <property name=""></property>
      <property name="mail.protocol.port">995</property>
      <property name="mail.protocol.user">wso2cep</property>
      <property name="transport.PollInterval">5</property>
      <property name="transport.mail.Protocol">pop3</property>
      <property name="mail.protocol.socketFactory.class"></property>
  2. Add it in the XML file to the  <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/inputeventadaptors/  directory.


     Since hot deployment is enabled, you can simply add/remove files to deploy/undeploy to/from the server.  

After an adapter is successfully added, it gets added to the list of adapters displayed under Event Processor Configs in the Configure menu of the product's management console. Click Edit to change its configuration and redeploy it. This opens an XML-based editor allowing you to edit the event adapter configurations from the UI.  Do your modifications and click Update. You can also delete it, enable/disable statistics or enable/disable tracing on it using the provided options in the UI.

If there is any exception occurred continuously when sending mail, check whether matches with email subject that we send. (For example: If is TestMail then subect of the mail needs to be SOAPAction :urn:TestMail. If the issue still continues, try removing service-meta files in the deployment directory.

Configuring input email event adapter message properties

The configured input event adapters will be are used in event builders. With input event adapter message properties, event builders will be are able to extract data from the incoming events to build the event streams. Following are the specific message properties of the input email event adaptoradapter.
Image Modified
Email Service Name


For an email to be processed through this event builder, the subject must


be SOAPAction:urn:{Email Service Name}.
Input Mapping Type


 The incoming event type to be mapped.
