Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Note: The port offset in the carbon.xml file must be set to 0 in order to run this sample.


  1. In the BPS management console, go to Configure -> Users and Roles -> Roles, and then click Add New Role.
  2. Enter regionalClerksRole for the role name and click Next.
  3. Select All Permissions to give all permissions to the role created and click Finish (the user will be added later). 

To create the user:

  1. Go to Configure -> Users and Roles -> Users, and then click Add New User.
  2. Enter regionalClerkUser for the user name and enter any password, and then click Next
  3. Select regionalClerksRole and click Finish.

Now you are ready to deploy the sample. 


  1. Go to Main -> Processes -> List.
  2. In the Process ID column, click the process ID for ClaimsApprovalProcess: {}ClaimsApprovalProcess-1
    The Process Information screen appears, displaying information about this process.
  3. In the WSDL Details section of the process information screen, select claimsApprovalPartnerLink from the Partner-Links list, and then click Try It.
    A new browser window appears where you can replace the placeholder values with the values you want to send.
  4. Replace the sample with the following values:

    Code Block
       <p:ClaimApprovalProcessInput xmlns:p="">
          <xsd:custID xmlns:xsd="">customerId</xsd:custID>
          <xsd:custFName xmlns:xsd="">customerFName</xsd:custFName>
          <xsd:custLName xmlns:xsd="">CustomerName</xsd:custLName>
          <xsd:amount xmlns:xsd="">5000</xsd:amount>
          <xsd:region xmlns:xsd="">reagon</xsd:region>
          <xsd:priority xmlns:xsd="">1</xsd:priority>

    You can now view this process instance in the management console.

  5. Go to Main -> Business Processes -> Instances.
    Notice that the ClaimsApprovalProcess-1 instance has been created and is active.
  6. Click the instance ID to view the activity flow. The flow of the process depends on the value we specified for the amount property. If the amount is less than 1000, the BPEL process handles the approval, so the process terminates without initiating the human task. If the amount is over 5000, as we specified above, the ClaimsApprovalTask is initiated, and the process waits until it receives approval from the human task activity. To view this task, you must log in as the user who is assigned this task.
  7. Click Sign-out, and then log in as regionalClerkUser.
  8. Go to Main -> Human Tasks -> List (be sure to click the link lower down in the left navigation pane, not the one in the Manage group).

    The task appears in the My Tasks list.
  9. In the Task ID column, click the link for the task.
  10. Click Start to start the task.
    Image Modified


  1. To approve the request, click Approve in the Response section, and then click Complete.
    Image Modified


  1. Go to Main -> Business Processes -> Instances. You can see that the instance, which was previously waiting for approval, has now completed successfully.