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A toolbox can contain the below three main three artifacts .as follows:

  • Stream definitions
  • Analytics
  • Dashboard components

All three artifacts are not mandated, and they are optional. You can have all of three artifacts types or or either of them in one toolbox. And only those artifcats , and only available artifacts will be deployed. You can install the The custom toolbox can be installed by following the steps in section, Installing custom toolbox.

Toolbox Structure


Toolbox artifacts should be placed in the as structure shown in the below structure:

Analytic Artifacts

As shown in the structure the The analytics scripts (Eg: Hive script) should be placed under in the analytics folder under toolbox. All the scripts which are placed under the analytics folder will be deployed. And if you ant to schedule the script then you have to include The file such as followingshould be included as follows in case the script needs to be scheduled.

The following are the properties which you have to include be included in the file, if you want to include 'my_script' and 'my_another_script' need to be included to the toolbox.

Code Block
analyzers.scripts=script1, script2





analyzers.scripts.script1.description=Description about my script


analyzers.scripts.script1.cron=1 * * * * ? *





analyzers.scripts.script2.description=Description about my another script


analyzers.scripts.script2.cron=1 * * * * ? *


As shown above the , linking the analyzer script to the toolbox occurs through 'analyzers.scripts.script1.filename' property, the script1 is the reference element to a script.

The cron property is optional, . It should be mentioned in this property file if you want to schedule the script then you should mention it in this property file. As shown in the above both scripts . Both scripts shown above are scheduled with cron expression '1 * * * * ? *'. If you dona script doesn't want to schedule the script need to be schedules to run, then simply you can avoid having the specific property for that particular script in the file.
