Versions Compared


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Operating Systems / Databases / Application Servers

  • As all WSO2 Carbon-based products are Java applications, it is generally possible to run them on most operating systems. These include Windows, Linux, Solaris, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mac OS X, Gentoo, SUSE, Debian etc. with a JDK 1.6.x runtime.
  • However, Linux/Solaris is recommended for a production deployment of WSO2 BAM since Hadoop (used for analytics engine in BAM) is not recommended to be run in Windows based systems in production settings. (
    For detailed information on the Operating Systems, Databases and Application Servers each WSO2 product is compatible with, refer to the following WIKI space: Environments Tested with WSO2 Products..
  • All WSO2 Carbon-based products are generally compatible with most-common DBMSs such as MySQL, MS SQL Server, Oracle, H2, DB2, Derby, PostgreSQL. 

Required Applications





Java SE Development Kit (JDK)

  • To launch the product as each product is a Java application.
  • To build the product from the Source distribution (both JDK and Apache Maven are required).
  • To run Apache Ant.

1.6.x or higher (JDK 1.7 is supported from this release onwards)

Required by all WSO2 products

Apache ActiveMQ
JMS Provider

  • To enable the product's JMS transport and try out JMS samples. The ActiveMQ client libraries must be installed in the product's classpath before you can enable the JMS transport.

5.5.0 or higher

If you use any other JMS provider (e.g. Apache Qpid), install any necessary libraries and/or components.

Currently needed by WSO2 ESB to run its JMS samples

Apache Ant

  • To compile and run the sample clients.

1.7.0 or later

Required by all WSO2 products to run product samples

Apache Maven

  • To build the product's source. (both JDK and Apache Maven are required).

2.1.0 or later

Required by all WSO2 products when installing from source distribution

SVN Client

Can be downloaded form -

Required by all WSO2 products

Web Browser

  • To access the product's Management Console. The Web Browser must be JavaScript enabled to take full advantage of the Management console.
  • NOTE: On Windows Server 2003, it is not allowed to go below the medium security level in Internet Explorer 6.x.


Required by all WSO2 products

  • BAM analytics framework depends on Apache Hadoop and Hadoop requires Cygwin in order to run in Windows. At a minimum, Basic, Net (OpenSSH,tcp_wrapper packages) and Security related Cygwin packages need to be present in the system. After installing Cygwin, please update your PATH variable by appending ";C:\cygwin\bin". This is required since the default installation of Cygwin might not do this.
1.7.0 or laterRequired by WSO2 BAM running on Windows
