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WSO2 Open Banking 1.3.0 supports OpenID Functional Conformance suite 1v1.1.19.

An Open Banking Implementation Entity ( OBIE) Functional Conformance Certificate allows an implementer to demonstrate that they have successfully implemented all required functional elements of the OBIE Read/Write API Specifications, passing all tests performed by the Functional Conformance Tool. 


  1. Do the following changes in WSO2 Open Banking Key Manager(WSO2_OB_KM).
    1. Open the <WSO2_OB_KM_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml file. Set the RenewTokenPerRequest property to false.

      The RenewTokenPerRequest configuration provides the ability to renew the access token and refresh token per each token request. It also revokes the previously available active token for a matching clientId, user and scopes combination. 

      Code Block
    2. Open the <WSO2_OB_KM_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/identity.xml file. Update the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST> placeholder with the hostname of the API Manager server. 

      The IDTokenIssuerID property sets the IssuerID of the IDToken

      Code Block
    3. Open the <WSO2_OB_KM_HOME>/repository/conf/finance/open-banking.xml file and set the MaximumFuturePaymentDays value to 365 days.

      Code Block
  2. Configure the certificates.

    Go to <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/security/  directory and execute the following commands.

    1. Create a new alias for wso2carbon.jks.

      Code Block
      keytool -genkey -alias <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 3950 -keystore wso2carbon.jks
    2. Create a certificate using the alias created in the step above and import it to the client-truststore.

      Code Block
      keytool -export -alias <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST> -file <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.crt -keystore wso2carbon.jks
    3. Import the certificate to the client-truststore.

      Code Block
      keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST> -file <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.crt -keystore client-truststore.jks 
  3. Start WSO2 Open Banking Key Manager and API Manager servers.
  4. Deploy Account API v3.1.1 and Payment API v3.1.1.


    If you do not send the x-jws-signature header with the request (“-e DISABLE_JWS=FALSE”), remove the following handlers.
    Open the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs/default/api/<USERNAME>--PaymentInitiationAPI_vv3.1.xml file in a text editor.
    Comment out the and remove the following handlers:




    If you’re using the Dynamic Client Registration v3.2 API, you may skip Setting up the test suite.

  5. Sign in to the API Store as the TPP at https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:9443/store

  6. Create an application.

  7. Subscribe to the APIs deployed in step 4.

  8. Create the public certificate of the signing certificate and generate keys.

Setting up the test suite

  1. Execute the following command in a terminal to pull and run the image.

    Code Block
    docker run -it --name=fsuite -p 8443:8443 -e LOG_LEVEL=debug -e LOG_TRACER=true -e LOG_HTTP_TRACE=true -e DISABLE_JWS=TRUE "openbanking/conformance-suite:v1.1.17"
  2. Add the certificates to the container.
    1. Go to <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/security and execute the command below to generate the pem file for <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.crt

      Code Block
      openssl x509 -inform der -in <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.crt -out <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.pem
    2. Log in to the container

      Code Block
      docker exec -it fsuite /bin/bash
    3. Add the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.pem certificate to the following locations:

      - /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.pem
      - /etc/ssl/certs/<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>.pem

    4. Run the following command.

      Code Block
    5. Stop the container.

      Code Block
      docker stop fsuite
    6. Restart the container

      Code Block
      docker start -a fsuite
  3. Access the test suite at https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:8443
  4. Select Open Banking test suite and start the test.
  5. In the Discovery step, update the following values in the JSON file. 


    A sample configure.json is available here.

    apiSpecification nameAccount and Transaction API Specification


    The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint. For example:


    Production/Sandbox URL for the API. For example:

    apiSpecification namePayment Initiation API


    The OpenID Connect discovery endpoint. For example:


    Production/Sandbox URL for the API. For example:

  6. Click Next and proceed to the Configuration stage.

  7. Add the following mandatory configurations in the form/JSON file.


    A sample configure.json is availble here.


    Private Signing Key (.key):

    The Private Signing Key certificate of the client/application created in the section above .

    Public Signing Certificate (.pem):

    The Public Signing Certificate of the client/application created in the section above.

    Private Transport Key (.key):

    The Private Transport Key certificate of the client/application created in the section above.

    Public Transport Certificate (.pem):

    The Public Transport Certificate of the client/application created in the section above.

    Account IDs

    The Account IDs of the account resources that the customer (PSU) has consented to provide to the client/application.

    Statement IDs

    The Statement IDs of the statement resources that the customer (PSU) has consented to provide to the client/application.

    Client ID

    Consumer key of the client/application created in the section above.

    Client Secret

    Consumer secret of the client/application created in the section above.


    The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued. The unique id will be issued by OB.

    For example: open-bank


    OAuth 2.0 response_type

    A JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that this OP supports. Dynamic OpenID Providers MUST support the code, id_token, and the token id_token Response Type values

    Request object signing algorithm

    The algorithm used to sign requests objects

    Resource Base URL

    The base URL of the WSO2 OB APIM server. For example: https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:8243



    Beneficiary account identification


    Name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution.

    Usage: The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level. The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account.

    International Identification

    The international beneficiary account identification

    International Name

    International name of the account, as assigned by the account servicing institution.

    Usage: The account name is the name or names of the account owner(s) represented at an account level. The account name is not the product name or the nickname of the account.

  8. Click Next and run the suite.