Tenant-partitioning is required to scale a Cloud deployment to thousands and millions of tenants. This means that there are usually multiple clusters for a single Cloud service, and each of these service clusters handles a subset of the tenants in the system. Creating dynamic tenant clusters and tenant partitioning strategies are ongoing research areas. In such a tenant-partitioned deployment, the load balancers themselves need to be tenant-aware, in order to be able to route the requests to the proper tenant clusters. Therefore, the load balancer has to be both tenant-aware and service-aware, since the service clusters are partitioned according to the tenants. The WSO2 Load Balancer is tenant-aware as well as service-aware and is capable of routing messages in both these methods.
WSO2 Elastic Load Balancer is fully open source and is released under Apache Software License Version 2.0, one of the most business-friendly licenses available today.
Community Resources
WSO2 is willing to provide you guidance for any technical issues or questions regarding the Elastic Load Balancer product. You can communicate with the WSO2 ELB development team directly using the relevant mailing lists mentioned here: http://wso2.org/mail.