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You can create any type of gadgets and add it to WSO2 DS, so that you can make use of them when creating a dashboard. The following instructions explain how you can create a gadget at a high level:

Step 1 - Create a folder structure for the new gadget

You need to create the gadget related configurations within a tenant folder as follows:

  1. Navigate to the <DS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/portal/store directory.
  2. Create a folder by the name of the tenant.

  3. Create a folder based on the name of the gadget in the newly created tenant directory.


Step 2 - Define the Gadget XML

Gadgets are defined using an XML file, which can be later rendered using Shindig to HTML document. Create this XML file within the <DS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/portal/store/<TENANT_NAME>/<GADGET_NAME> directory, and use any name to name the gadget XML file.



If you wish to learn more on creating gadget XMLs, go to

Step 3 - Define the gadget.json file

The gadget.json file is a configuration file that is specifically used by the WSO2 Dashboard Server (DS) for a gadget. Create the gadget.json file in the the <DS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/portal/store/<TENANT_NAME>/<GADGET_NAME> directory. 


  • type - This defines the type of this document to be rendered by the Shindig. 
  • data - This contains the URL of the location of the index.xml that corresponds to the gadget.
  • notify - This is the most important. This is the property that defines whether this gadget is a publisher or not. By adding this property we can define a channel to publish messages. In this sample, a channel named history is being created. The notify property has two sub properties which are as follows: type and description. The property named type is used to define the type of the publisher.
  • listen - This property defines whether this specific gadget can subscribe to a channel or not. A listener named state has been created for this sample, which has the same properties that a publisher channel has. Type will filter the publisher channels that the gadget can listen to.

Step 4 - Add any other required folders

The gadget that is being created may need supporting files such as images etc. These files too need to be added in the <DS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/portal/store/<TENANT_NAME>/<GADGET_NAME> directory.