Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


3. Then the page with all the available Address Endpoint options appears.

4. Specific Address Endpoint details are as follows:

  • Format- The message format for the endpoint. The available values are:


  • Leave As-Is - No transformation is done to the outgoing message.


    • SOAP 1.1 - Transforming message to SOAP 1.1.
    • SOAP 1.2 - Transforming message to SOAP 1.2.
    • Plain Old XML (POX) - Transforming to plain old XML format.
    • Representational State Transfer (REST) - Transforming to HTTP Get Request.
    • GET
  • Optimize- Optimization for the message, which transfers binary data. The available values are:
    • Leave As-Is - No special Optimization. Keep the original message.
    • SwA - Optimized as a SwA (SOAP with Attachment) message.
    • MTOM - Optimized as a MTOM (message transmission optimization mechanism).

The rest of the fields are general for all Address, WSDL, Default endpoints. See the description of common options in Adding an Endpoint.


enableRM [policy="key"]

This enables WS-Reliable messaging for the message which goes for the endpoint. The optional policy attribute specify the WS-RM policy.

enableSec [policy="key"]

This enables WS-Security for the message which goes for the endpoint. The optional policy attribute specify the WS-Security policy.

enableAddressing [version="final | submission"] [seperateListener=" true | false"]

This enables WS-Addressing for the message which goes for the endpoint. User can specify to have separate listener with version final or submission.


Endpoint Timeout

Address (and also WSDL) endpoints can timeout if the response fails to arrive at Synapse by a predefined timeout duration specified in seconds. The timeout action specifies whether to discard response that arrives later, or to trigger a fault. Synapse has a periodic timeout handler that triggers itself at each 15 seconds interval. Thus endpoint timeout will have a +/- erroce on trigger time. Though this can be minimized by setting a System property synapse.timeout_handler_interval (This property can be set in synpase property file which is located in conf directory inside repository once you unzipped WSO2 ESB ) to a millisecond duration below the desired endpoint timeout.



Timeout duration in millisecondmilliseconds.


Once a timeout occurs the action to perform, available options are discard (discard the response which arrives late) or fault (trigger a fault) .
