SVN-based deployment synchronizer uses a Subversion repository as the central repository to sync the contents in the sync directory (the axis2 repo directory, <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/deployment/server, by default). This method is efficient and is transparent for the user. In the SVN-based DepSync, when changes to the contents of axis2 repo directory were are made, the Read-Write nodes commit those to the Subversion (central) repository. Then, this node sends a an Axis2 cluster message to all other (worker) nodes specifying that the repo is updated. When the slave nodes receive the message, they update their axis2 repo directory with what 's is in the svn repository.
Follow the steps below to setup.
- Download and install SVNKit implementation (svnClientBundle-1.0.0.jar) from here: http://dist.wso2.org/tools/svnClientBundle-1.0.0.jar. It is recommended that you read the svnkit license. DepSync has the ability to use Subversion package installed in your local machine if svnkit is unavailable, but it not recommended for production. WSO2 does not ship svnkit by default because of licensing incompatibilities on re-distributions.
- You need to have an svn repository. You can use an existing svn repository, or create and setup a new one locally. To create a new svn in Linux, use following the command.