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Comment: Reverted from v. 19

BPMN Explorer enables is a Jaggery-based lightweight web application, which provides the user interface for the end users to interact with deployed BPMN applications. It's a Jaggery-based, lightweight web application that you can customize and deploy in a web server

Table of Contents


 The file structure of the BPMN Explorer is as follows:

folder structure 

assets/Contains resource files that are used for general purposes such as form generation and encoding.
config/Contains files to support i18n of the web app.
controller/Contains the controllers of the web app.
css/Contains CSS files of the web app. It includes the bootstrap-theme.min.css and bootstrap.min.css files by default. Also, includes the style.css file for customizations.
error404.htmlThe HTML file that is displayed when an HTTP 404 error occurs.
error500.htmlThe HTML file that is displayed when an HTTP 500 error occurs.
fonts/Contains fonts and bootstrap related resources.
images/Stores resources (such as images) of the web app.
js/Contains JavaScript library files that are used for various purposes.
model/Contains all the models of the web app.

Contains Jaggery scripts that construct the HTML main body content. Also, this contains a subdirectory named partials/, which holds common HTML content such as header, footer, pagination and navigation.

jaggery.confIncludes all Jaggery configurations.

Architecture components

The architecture of the BPMN Explorer consists of the following main Model View Controller (MVC) components.


Following model Jaggery scripts located in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/business-process/repository/deployemnt/server/jaggeryapps/bpmn-explorer/controller/ directory retrieve data from the BPMN REST API to display. It sends AdminServices requests to the back-end and retrieves data to render data in the HTML page.

common.jag Relates to all the controllers. It retrieves and updates data that are common to all the pages and all the actions performed by the back-end implementation of the BPMN Explorer.
loginModel.jag Creates a login failure message if previous logging activity failed.
myTasksModel.jag Retrieves all the tasks assigned to the logged-in user.
taskModel.jag Retrieves task details of a specific task using the task ID.
claimModel.jag Generates the UI form for viewing claimable tasks.
claimableTaskModel.jag Retrieves the list of tasks that the logged-in user can claim.
completedTaskModel.jag Retrieves information (including attachments) of a selected completed task instance.
historicTasksModel.jag Lists the completed tasks list in the Completed Tasks tab.
processModel.jag Retrieves all deployed BPMN processes.
reportModel.jag Retrieves necessary information(i.e., tasks list, users list etc.) to generate reports.
searchModel.jag Retrieves instances based on search queries.
taskModel.jag Retrieves information on deployed BPMN tasks (e.g., attachments, meta data etc.)
statsModel.jag Generates statistical charts for reports. 


View Jaggery files with respect to each page of the web app are located in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/business-process/repository/deployemnt/server/jaggeryapps/bpmn-explorer/template/ directory. They contain information on rendering the HTML body of the information retrieved in the associated Model.



Following controllers are special purpose controllers that do not provide HTML pages. Instead, they perform actions on behalf of the user.

  • taskController performs control actions related to tasks.
  • authenticator - performs authentication of the user by logging in to the server through the AuthenticationAdmin service.
  • logout - performs logging out from the back-end server on behalf of the user.
  • communication - performs control actions related to communication among components.
  • startProcessController - performs control actions related to the starting process of tasks.
  • statsController - performs control actions related to statistics.
URLMappingCorresponding HTML Page
/login/*loginController.jag Login page
/myTasks/* myTasksController.jag My tasks
taskController.jag -
/auth/* authenticator.jag -
/logout/* logout.jag -
/send/* communication.jag
processController.jag Processes
/claimableTask/* claimableTaskController.jag Claim tasks
/claimTask/* claimTaskController.jag Claimable task view
/startProcess/* startProcessController.jag -
/historicTasks/* historicTasksController.jag Completed tasks
/stats/* statsController.jag
/completedTask/* completedTaskController.jag Completed task view
searchController.jag Search
/reports/* reportController.jag Reports

Loading the process diagram 

The <EI_HOME>/wso2/business-process/repository/deployemnt/server/jaggeryapps/bpmn-explorer/assets/wsRequest.js file loads the BPMN process diagram for the corresponding process instance in the BPMN Explorer. This avoids the need to authenticate again when viewing the process diagram. It contains following methods.

requestBPSCreates a SOAP request to the backend server.
getBPMNProcessDiagramCreates the SOAP payload to retrieve the process diagram.

Deploying in an external server
