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Single sign-on (SSO) allows users, who are authenticated against one application, gain access to multiple other related applications as well without having to repeatedly authenticate themselves. It also allows the Web applications gain access to a set of back-end services with the logged-in user's access rights, and the back-end services can authorize the user based on different claims like user role.


Configuring WSO2 Identity Server as a SAML 2.0 SSO Identity Provider

  1. Start the IS server and log in to its Management Console UI ( https://localhost:9443/carbon).   


    If you use login pages that are hosted externally to log in to the Identity Server, give the absolute URLs of those login pages in the authenticators.xml and application-authenticators.xml files in the   <IS_HOME>/repository/conf/security  directory.

  2. Select Add under Service Providers menu.
    Image Modified
  3. Give a service provider name and click Register.


    Tip: If you are working in a multi tenanted environment and you want all tenants to be able to log in to the APIM Web applications, you must click the SaaS Application option that appears after registering the service provider.

    If not, only users in the current tenant domain (the one you are defining the service provider in) will be allowed to log in to the Web application and you have to register new service providers for all Web applications (API Store and API Publisher in this case) from each tenant space separately. For example, let's say you have three tenants as TA, TB and TC and you register the service provider in TA only. If you tick the SaaS Application option, all users in TA, TB, TC tenant domains will be able to log in. Else, only users in TA will be able to log in.

  4. You are navigated to the detailed configuration page. Expand SAML2 Web SSO Configuration inside the Inbound Authentication Configuration section.

  5. Expand SAML2 Web SSO Configuration inside the Inbound Authentication Configuration section.
  6. Pro vide the following configurations to register the API Manager Web applications as SSO service providers.


    In the following configurations, use the exact values that were used to configure the API Manager Web applications.

    To register API Publisher as an SSO service provider:

      • Issuer : API_PUBLISHER
      • Assertion Consumer URL: https://localhost:9443/publisher/jagg/jaggery_acs.jag. Change the IP and port accordingly. This is the URL for the acs page in your running publisher app.
      • Select the following options:

        • Use fully qualified username in the NameID  

        • Enable Response Signing

        • Enable Assertion Signing

        • Enable Single Logout

      • Click Register once done.

    To register API Store as an SSO service provider:

      • Issuer : API_STORE
      • Assertion Consumer URL: https://localhost:9443/store/jagg/jaggery_acs.jag. Change the IP and port accordingly. This is the URL for the acs page in your running store app.
      • Select the following options:
        • Use fully qualified username in the NameID  
        • Enable Response Signing  
        • Enable Assertion Signing  
        • Enable Single Logout    
      • Click Register once done.

For example:

Configuring WSO2 API Manager Apps as SAML 2.0 SSO Service Providers



If there are many WSO2 products in your environment, you can configure SSO for the management consoles of all products by changing the SAML2SSOAuthenticator configuration in <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/security/authenticators.xml file as follows:

  • Set disabled attributes in <Authenticator> element to false
  • ServiceProviderID : In this example, it is the issuer name of the service provider created in step 1
  • IdentityProviderSSOServiceURL : In this example, it is the Identity Server port

    Code Block
    <Authenticator name="SAML2SSOAuthenticator" disabled="false">
                <Parameter name="LoginPage">/carbon/admin/login.jsp</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="ServiceProviderID">carbonserver1</Parameter>
                			<Parameter name="IdentityProviderSSOServiceURL">https://localhost:9444/samlsso&lt;samlsso</Parameter>
                <Parameter name="NameIDPolicyFormat">urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified</Parameter>

    Make sure the <priority> of the SAML2SSOAuthenticator is less than that of the BasicAuthenticator handler. See here for more information.