Versions Compared


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  1.   Log in to APIM management console (https://<Server Host>:9443/carbon) and select Browse under Resources .

  2. Go to /_system/governance/apimgt/applicationdata/workflow-extensions.xml resource, disable the Simple Workflow Executor and enable WS Workflow Executor:

    Code Block
        <ProductionApplicationRegistration executor="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.workflow.ApplicationRegistrationWSWorkflowExecutor">
            <Property name="serviceEndpoint">http://localhost:9765/services/ApplicationRegistrationWorkFlowProcess/</Property>
            <Property name="username">admin</Property>
            <Property name="password">admin</Property>
            <Property name="callbackURL">https://localhost:8248/services/WorkflowCallbackService</Property>
        <SandboxApplicationRegistration executor="org.wso2.carbon.apimgt.impl.workflow.ApplicationRegistrationWSWorkflowExecutor">
            <Property name="serviceEndpoint">http://localhost:9765/services/ApplicationRegistrationWorkFlowProcess/</Property>
            <Property name="username">admin</Property>
            <Property name="password">admin</Property>
            <Property name="callbackURL">https://localhost:8248/services/WorkflowCallbackService</Property>

    Note that all workflow process services of the BPS run on port 9765 because you changed its default port (9763) with an offset of 2.

  3. Go to the API Store Web interface, open My Subscriptions page, select an application and click the Generate button associated with the production key.
    It invokes the ApplicationRegistrationWorkFlowProcess.bpel that is bundled with and creates a HumanTask instance that holds the execution of the BPEL process until some action is performed on it.   

  4. Note a message that appears saying that the request is successfully submitted if the BPEL was invoked correctly. For example,

  5. Log in to the Admin Dashboard Web application (https://<Server Host>:9443/admin-dashboard) and list all the tasks for application registrations. Click Start to start the Human Task and then change its state. Once you approve the task, it resumes the BPEL process and completes the registration.

  6. Go back to the My Subscriptions page on the API Store and view your application.

    It shows the application access token, consumer key and consumer secret. For example,

    Image Modified

    After the registration request is approved, keys are generated by invoking the APIKeyMgtSubscriber service hosted in Key Manger nodes. Even when the request is approved, key generation can fail if this service becomes unavailable. To address such failures, you can configure to trigger key generation at a time Key Manager nodes become available again. Given below is the message used to invoke the BPEL process:

    Code Block
    <applicationregistrationworkflowprocessrequest xmlns:wor=""