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If the Datasource Management feature is installed in your WSO2 product instance, you can add datasources that allow the server to connect to databases and other external data stores.
To add a datasource:
This page describes how to add datasources in the following sections:
Table of Contents

Adding a datasource in the Management Console

  1. In the management console, click the Configure tab, and then click Data Sources.  
  2. Click Add Data Source.  
  3. Specify the required options for connecting to the database. The available options are based on the type of datasource you are creating:

Configuring an RDBMS datasource

When you select RDBMS as the datasource type, the following screen appears:

This is the default RDBMS datasource configuration provided by WSO2. You can also write your own RDBMS configuration by selecting the custom datasource option. Enter values for the following fields when using the default RDBMS datasource configuration:

  • Data Source Type: RDBMS
  • Name: Name of the datasource (must be a unique value)
  • Data Source Provider: Specify the datasource provider as described below.
  • Driver: The class name of the JDBC driver to use. Be sure to copy the JDBC driver relevant to the database engine to the <ESB_HOME>/repository/components/dropins and <ESB_HOME>/repository/components/lib directories. For example, if you are using MySQL, you would specify com.mysql.jdbc.Driver as the driver and would copy  mysql-connector-java-5.XX-bin.jar to these directories. If you do not copy the driver to these directories when you create the datasource, you will get an exception similar to "Cannot load JDBC driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver".
  • URL: The connection URL to pass to the JDBC driver to establish the connection
  • User Name: The connection user name to pass to the JDBC driver to establish the connection
  • Password: The connection password to pass to the JDBC driver to establish the connection
  • Expose as a JNDI Data Souce: Allows you to specify the JNDI data source as described below
  • Data Source Configuration Parameters: Allows you to specify advanced configuration properties when creating an RDBMS datasource

Many of these fields are similar to those in DBCP. For more information, see:

After creating datasources, you can edit and delete them as needed.


  • Name: Name of the JNDI datasource that will be visible to others in object look-up
  • Use Data Source Factory: To make the datasource accessible from an external environment, you must use a data source factory. When this option is selected, a reference object will be created with the defined datasource properties. The data source factory will create the datasource instance based on the values of the reference object when accessing the datasource from an external environment. In the datasource configuration, this is set as follows:
    <jndiConfig useDataSourceFactory="true">
  • JNDI Properties: Properties related to the JNDI datasource (such as password). When you select this option, set the following properties:
    • java.naming.factory.initial - Selects the registry service provider as the initial context
    • java.naming.provider.url - : Specifies the location of the registry when the registry is being used as the initial context
