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If the Datasource Management feature is installed in your WSO2 product instance, you can add datasources that allow the server to connect to databases and other external data stores. This page describes how to add datasources in the following sections:
Table of Contents

Adding a datasource in the Management Console


When creating a custom datasource, specify whether the datasource type is DS_CUSTOM_TABULAR (the data is stored in tables) or DS_CUSTOM_QUERY (non-tabular data accessed through a query). Following is more information about each type.

Custom tabular datasources   datasources

Tabular datasources are used for accessing tabular data, that is, the data is stored in rows in named tables that can be queried later. To implement tabular datasources, the interface org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.custom.datasource.TabularDataBasedDS is used. You can see a sample implementation of a tabular custom datasource at InMemoryDataSource.  
