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WSO2 Governance Registry stores governance metadata and information on governance related entities. The metadata of a Web service describes what a client needs to know in order to interact with it. For example:



Do not use special characters (i.e. ~!@#;%^*()+={}|\<>"',) in specifying the name of an asset, when creating it. Nevertheless, you can use the & and $ characters.

Child pages (Children Display)

Deleting an




Deleting assets using the registry browser will lead to unexpected behavior in the asset listing.


  1. Log in to the G-Reg Publisher using the following URL and admin/admin credentials: https://<G-REG)HOST>:<G-REG_PORT>/publisher
  2. Click on the following Main Menu button:, and then click on the preferred asset type as shown below.
    main menu of the Publisher
  3. Click on the asset which you want to delete.
  4. Click the following DELETE button in the top menu: 

  5. Click Delete to confirm the deletion as shown below.

    You view the following message on successful deletion of the selected asset.
    message on successful deletion
  6. Click the Home link in the above message, to navigate to the G-Reg Publisher Home Page.

Deleting an asset type

Follow the steps below to delete an in-built or custom asset type.

  1. Log in to the WSO2 G-Reg Management Console.
  2. Click Extensions, and then click Artifact Types.
  3. Click the corresponding Delete link of the asset type that you want to delete.


    If you want to delete an in-built asset type, delete the respective <ASSET_TYPE>.rxt file (e.g., wsdl.rxt) in the <G-REG_HOME>/repository/resources/rxts directory.

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