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Follow the instructions below to install the required applications and the WSO2 product on Linux or Mac OS X.

Install the required applications

  1. Establish a SSH connection to the Linux machine or log in on the text Linux console. You should either log in as root or obtain root permissions after you log in via the su or sudo command.
  2. Be sure your system meets the Installation Prerequisites. Java Development Kit (JDK) is essential to run the product.  

Installing the product

  1. If you have not done so already, download the latest version of the product as described in Downloading the Product.
  2. Extract the archive file to a dedicated directory for the product, which will hereafter be referred to as <PRODUCT_HOME>.


You must set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the directory where the Java Development Kit (JDK) is installed on the computer.


  1. In your home directory, open the BASHRC file in your favorite Linux text editor, such as vi, emacs, pico or mcedit.
  2. Add the following two lines at the bottom of the file, replacing /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25 with the actual directory where the JDK is installed.

    Code Block
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25
    export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}

    The file should now look like this:

  3. Save the file.


    If you do not know how to work with text editors in a Linux SSH session, run the following command:

    Code Block
    cat >> .bashrc

    Paste the string from the clipboard and press "Ctrl+D."

  4. To verify that the JAVA_HOME variable is set correctly, execute the following command:

    Code Block
    echo $JAVA_HOME

    The system returns the JDK installation path.

Setting system properties

If you need to set additional system properties when the server starts, you can take the following approaches:



titleSUSE Linux

When using SUSE Linux, it ignores /etc/resolv.conf and only looks at the /etc/hosts file. This means that the server will throw an exception on startup if you have not specified anything besides localhost. To avoid this error, add the following line above localhost in the /etc/hosts file.
<machine_name> localhost

