- Quantity sold from each phone model - The owner wants to know the performance of his product line. Total sales for each of the phone model is required.
- Number of orders received by each customer - The owner wants to know the no of orders received by each customer.
Sample Guide
- Start WSO2 BAM server with default settings.
- Go to 'WSO2_BAM_HOME/samples/kpi-definition/' directory
Type 'ant' with in the directory from the console(This publishes the events to BAM)
Note that you can give custom values for parameters for Data receiver URL, user name and password. Default values of them are as follows.
Parameter Default Value URL tcp://localhost:7611 User Name admin Password admin Now lets see how new values can be given as parameters
Parameter New Value URL tcp://localhost:7612 User Name user Password pass123 Command with new values : ant -Durl=tcp://localhost:7612 -Dusername=user -Dpassword=pass123
5. Go to Main -> BAM Toolbox -> Add. Select 'Phone Retail Store Toolbox' and click on Install button.
6. Go to Main -> BAM Toolbox -> List. Wait until the 'KPI_Phone_Retail_Store' toolbox status changes to Installed.