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BAM Mediator is a mediator for WSO2 ESB that captures data events from the ESB mediation sequences and send sends to the BAM server. BAM server receives data events via its Thrift API. This protocol uses a binary protocol and enables fast data transmission between the ESB and BAM server.

The BAM mediator can be configured early. The data to be extracted from ESB configuration context can be pre-configured. In the configuration panel, the user can specify the BAM server (Thrift server) related information in the BAM Server Profile. In each BAM Server Profile, the user should define a set of event streams that can be used at the BAM mediator declaration time. When a BAM mediator is declared in an ESB sequence, the user has to select a BAM Server Profile from the given list and a Stream (uniquely identified by a name and a version) available in the selected BAM Server Profile.

Installing BAM Mediator Aggregate Feature

The following installation instructions apply to WSO2 ESB version 1. Download WSO2 ESB version 4.5.x onwards.1. Download the WSO2 ESB from location: or later from Since BAM Mediator Aggregate feature is available by default from ESB 4.6.0 onwards, you do not have to install it separately if you use a newer ESB version.

2. Since both ESB and BAM server will be run concurrently, change the port number of ESB by applying an offset. To apply an offset, navigate to <ESB_HOME>/repository/conf and open file, carbon.xml, where <ESB_HOME> is the WSO2 ESB's product distribution directory. Then change the value in xpath Server/Ports/Offset from 0 to some other integer. For example,


  1. Go to ESB management console and select Main→Axis2 Services→List from side panel.
  2. Click on Simple_Stock_Quote_Service_Proxy to go to its dashboard.
  3. Click on Edit link under category, Specific Configuration.
  4. Click on Next> button.
  5. Select option Define Inline under category, Define In Sequence and click on its Create link.
  6. Click on Configuration Registry link, select [Sequence]-fault from the drop down list and click OK button.

  7. Click on Add Child link on the Root, select Agent→BAM from menus.

  8. Select BAM element from the sequence tree and go to the form appeared below.
  9. Select Server Profile from the available set of server profiles in the drop down list.
  10. Select Stream Name from the available set of stream names with the selected BAM server profile in the drop down list.
  11. Select Stream Version from the available set of stream versions with the selected stream name in the drop down list.

  12. Click Update button. You can observe the mediator XML generated for the BAM Mediator by clicking on on switch to design source view link. You can go back to the design view by clicking on switch to design view link.
    The mediator XML is in the following format. (This is an example.)
    <bam xmlns="">
       <serverProfile name="profile1">
          <streamConfig name="stream1" version="1.0.0" ></streamConfig>

  13. Add more mediators to the WSDL Proxy Service if required.
  14. Click Save button.
  15. Click Next> button.
  16. Click Finish button. Now the BAM mediator is added to the WSDL Proxy Service, Simple_Stock_Quote_Service_Proxy.
