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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3


  1. synapse:get-property() function
  2. base64Encode() function


The get-property() function allows any XPath expression used in a configuration to look up information from the current message context. Using property mediator, you can retrieve properties previously set, and/or information from the Synapse, Axis2 message contexts or transport header.


You can use the get-property() function to retrieve Axis2 message context properties or transport headers. For example, synapse:get-property('transport', 'USER_AGENT'). Given below are special properties supported by the get-property() function.

NameReturn Value
ToIncoming URL as a String or empty string («») if a To address is not defined.
FromFrom address as a String or empty string («») if a From address is not defined
ActionSOAP Addressing Action header value as a String or empty string («») if a Action is not defined
FaultToSOAP FautTo header value as a String or empty string («») if a FaultTo address is not defined
ReplyToReplyTo header value as a String or empty string («») if a ReplyTo address is not defined
MessageIDA unique identifier (UUID) for the message as a String or empty string («») if MessageID is not defined. This id is guaranteed to be unique.
FAULTTRUE if the message has a fault or empty string if message doesn't have a fault
MESSAGE_FORMATReturns pox, get, soap11, soap12 depending on the message. If a message type is unknown this returns soap12
OperationNameOperation name corresponding to the message. A proxy service with a WSDL can have different operations. If the WSDL is not defined ESB defines fixed operations

base64Encode() function

The syntax of the function takes the following format.
