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Third-Party Providers (TPPs) can create third-party applications to facilitate banking services exposed via Bank APIs. 

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Before getting TPPs connected with the Banks and onboard, they are subjected to thorough verification. This verification includes a comprehensive sign-up process at the API Store, the developer portal of WSO2 Open Banking. For a TPP to start providing open banking services, it has to be registered under a Competent Authority, which is a regulatory body that authorizes and supervises the open banking services delivered by the TPP.


  1. Download WSO2 EI 6.4.0 and unzip the file.
  2. Set the path and hostname to EI in the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/finance/script/ file.


    If you are using Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle, create the bpsdb and bps_configdb databases.

  3. Go to the <WSO2_OB_APIM_HOME>/repository/resources/finance/scripts/wso2ei-bps directory and give execution permissions to the file.

  4. Run

  5. Add the following artifacts to the given locations:
    1. Download the ApplicationRegistrationWorkflowProcessthe and UserSignupApprovalProcess and BPEL artifcats and place them in the <WSO2_EI_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/bpel directory.
    2. Download the and human task artifacts and place them in the <WSO2_EI_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/humantask directory.
  6. Navigate to the wso2ei-6.4.0/wso2/business-process/bin directory, and execute the following command:

    Code Block
    ./ -Dsetup
  7. Sign in to the API management console https://<WSO2_OB_APIM_HOST>:9443/carbon.


    Sign in as a super admin. Default credentials are: - Username: - Password: wso2123

  8. On the Main tab, click Resources > Browse.

  9. Navigate to the /_system/governance/apimgt/applicationdata/workflow-extensions.xml registry file.

  10. In the workflow-extensions.xml registry file, navigate to Content and click Edit as text.

  11. Add the following configurations under ProductApplicationRegisteration and  UserSignup  in the registry file:

    Code Block
    <ProductionApplicationRegistration executor="">
    	<Property name="serviceEndpoint">http://localhost:9765/services/ApplicationRegistrationWorkFlowProcess/</Property>
    	<Property name="username"></Property>
    	<Property name="password">wso2123</Property>
    	<Property name="callbackURL">https://localhost:8243/services/WorkflowCallbackService</Property>
    Code Block
    <UserSignUp executor="">
    <Property name="serviceEndpoint">http://localhost:9765/services/UserSignupProcess/</Property>
    <Property name="username"></Property>
    <Property name="password">wso2123</Property>
    <Property name="callbackURL">https://localhost:8243/services/WorkflowCallbackService</Property>
    <Property name="aispRole">internal/aispRole</Property>
    <Property name="pispRole">internal/pispRole</Property>
    <Property name="piispRole">internal/piispRole</Property>
  12. Click  Save Content.
