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This guide demonstrates how to integrate an external WSO2 API Manager (APIM) with WSO2 G-Reg. For information on installing WSO2 API Manager features internally within WSO2 G-Reg, see  Installing WSO2 API Manager Features .

Table of Contents


WSO2 Governance Registry is a registry-repository for storing and managing metadata related to services and other artifacts. Services (SOAP or REST) in WSO2 G-Reg are implemented as configurable governance artifacts (RXT files)which you create using the G-Reg Publisher or its Management Console. Usually, in WSO2 APIM service publication is done using the APIM Publisher Web interface. Instead, you can integrate WSO2 APIM with WSO2 G-Reg, to directly publish APIs to APIM Publisher using the services deployed in the WSO2 Governance Registry.

This guide explains how to configure the two products to expose services in the G-Reg as APIs in the APIM.


Follow the steps below to set up the required prerequisites before starting the integration.

  1. Download WSO2 API Manager (1.9.x versions), and start the server. For instructions on running WSO2 APIM, see  Running the Product.
  2. Download WSO2 Governance Registry (version 5.0.0 and above) 
  3. Change the default port of WSO2 G-Reg (e.g. set a port offset of 1)to avoid port conflicts that may arise when running more than one WSO2 products on the same server. For instructions, see Changing the Default Ports with Offset.
  4. Start the WSO2 G-Reg server.  For instructions on running WSO2 G-Reg, see Running the Product.

Configuring WSO2 G-Reg
Configuring WSO2 G-Reg
Configuring WSO2 G-Reg

Follow the steps below to configure WSO2 G-Reg to publish services on it to WSO2 APIM.

  1.  Log in to the G-Reg Management Console using the following URL and admin/admin credentials:
  2. Click Extensions. and then click Lifecycles.
  3. Click the corresponding View/Edit Link of the ServiceLifeCycle as shown below.
    edit the ServiceLifeCycle configuration
  4. Replace the <execution forEvent="Publish" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.executors.apistore.ApiStoreExecutor"> element in the configuration with a code block which defines an execution element in production state as shown in the example below. Add the API Manager credentials in it, so that it provides the API Manager's endpoint, username and password as executor parameters.


    Alternatively you can do this change in the <GREG_HOME>/repository/resources/lifecycles/ServiceLifeCycle.xml file and then restart the G-Reg server.

    Code Block
    <execution forEvent="Publish" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.executors.apistore.ServiceToAPIExecutor">
       <parameter name="apim.endpoint" value="http://localhost:9763/"/>
       <parameter name="apim.username" value="admin"/>
       <parameter name="apim.password" value="admin"/>
       <parameter name="apim.env" value="dev"/>
       <parameter name="default.tier" value="Unlimited"/>
       <parameter name="throttlingTier" value="Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited"/>

    If you need to publish a REST service  to WSO2 API Manager, replace the  <execution forEvent="Publish" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.executors.apistore.ApiStoreExecutor">  element in the  <GREG_HOME>/repository/resources/lifecycles/ServiceLifeCycle.xml  file with a code block which defines an  execution  element in  production  state as shown in the example below. Add the API Manager credentials in it, so that it provides the API Manager's endpoint, username and password as executor parameters.

    Code Block
    <execution forEvent="Publish" class="org.wso2.carbon.governance.registry.extensions.executors.apistore.RestServiceToAPIExecutor">
       <parameter name="apim.endpoint" value="http://localhost:9763/"/>
       <parameter name="apim.username" value="admin"/>
       <parameter name="apim.password" value="admin"/>
       <parameter name="apim.env" value="dev"/>
       <parameter name="default.tier" value="Unlimited"/>
       <parameter name="throttlingTier" value="Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited,Unlimited"/>
  5. Click Save.

  6. Click Yes in the message which pops up.

    Image Modified

Creating the Service in WSO2 G-Reg

Follow the steps below to create the service in WSo2 G-Reg which you need to publish to WSO2 APIM.

  1. Log in to the G-Reg Publisher using the following URL and admin/admin credentials:
  2. Click the Add button of the SOAP Service box as shown below.

    add SOAP service

  3. Select Add a SOAP Service using a WSDL option as shown below.

    adding a SOAP service using a WSDL

  4. Click Continue.

  5. Enter the details of the service which you want to create as shown in the example below.

    add the WSDL

  6. Click Create

  7. Refresh the screen to view the new service you added as shown below.

    new SOAP service created

  8. Log in to the G-Reg Management Console using the following URL and admin/admin credentials:
  9. Click Main, and then click SOAP Services in the List menu.

    You view the created SOAP service. 

  10. Click on the corresponding Service Version link of the service as shown below.

    click Service Version of the new service

  11. Add the same values which you provided for the apim.endpoint parameter (e.g. http://localhost:9763/), and apim.env parameter (e.g. "dev") in the lifecycle executer in Copy of Integrating with an External WSO2 API ManagerConfiguring WSO2 G-Reg, for Environments and URL  as shown in the example below. 
    endpoint URL

  12. Click Save SOAP Service.

Publishing the Service in WSO2 G-Reg

  1. Log in to the G-Reg Publisher using the following URL and admin/admin credentials, if you are not already logged in:
  2. Click on the following icon in the top left corner of the screen. Publisher menu
  3. Select SOAP Services as shown below.
    select SOAP services
  4. Click on the SOAP service which you created as shown below.
    click on the SOAP service
  5. Click the following LIFE CYCLE button int he top menu.
    lifecycle button
  6. Click the Promote button. Then the service until it gets to the production state as shown below.  
    promote to production state  
  7. Click Promote again. You view the below screen.
    click Promote again
  8. Click Publish. You should get a confirmation message once the API is successfully published as shown below.
    API in Published state

Viewing the API Published in WSO2 APIM

Once you log in to the WSO2 APIM Publisher using the following URL and admin/admin credentials:, you view the service you published is successfully created as an API in the API Publisher as shown below.


Follow the steps below to use Secure Vault to secure the WSO2 API Manager username and password in a production deployment. 


Add the encrypted text to file after the other alias and encrypted pairs and restart the server. For example,


API published in WSO2 APIMImage Modified
