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Let's take a look at some concepts and terminology that you need to know in order to follow the use cases.


  • Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): These devices are owned by the employee and managed by the employer. They are subject to policies and conventions enforced by the employer.
  • Corporate Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE): These devices are owned and managed by the employer. 

Device Types 



Mobile devices


These are handheld devices that are usually used for day-to-day ordinary activities such as making phone calls, sending emails, and setting up alarms. WSO2 IoT Server supports managing Android, iOS and Windows mobile devices.


Device Groups



Server allows you to group multiple enrolled devices in order to monitor multiple devices in one go. 


Mobile Applications

A mobile application is a software application specifically created to run on mobile devices. WSO2 IoT Server


enables managing Android







Device Groups

WSO2 IoT Server allows you to group multiple enrolled devices in order to monitor multiple devices in one go. 

Mobile Applications

A mobile application is a software application specifically created to run on mobile devices. WSO2 IoT Server enables managing Android, iOS, and Windows mobile applications.

WSO2 IoT Server supports the following two UIs to help Mobile App Creators/Publishers manage mobile applications: 

  • App Publisher: This UI enables you to create and manage mobile applications.

  • App Store: This UI enables you to install and update mobile applications on mobile devices. It also comes with social features such as rating and liking that help Mobile App Creators to understand the popularity and usability of their mobile applications.

For more information on mobile application management: 


WSO2 IoT Server enables two kinds of configurations:


and Windows mobile applications.

WSO2 IoT Server supports the following two UIs to help Mobile App Creators/Publishers manage mobile applications: 

  • App Publisher: This UI enables you to create and manage mobile applications.

  • App Store: This UI enables you to install and update mobile applications on mobile devices. It also comes with social features such as rating and liking that help Mobile App Creators to understand the popularity and usability of their mobile applications.

For more information on mobile application management: 


WSO2 IoT Server enables two kinds of configurations:


To manage IoT devices supporting HTTP, preliminary configurations are sufficient. To manage other IoT devices you need to perform secondary configurations as well.


To view the list of operations supported for the Android, iOS, and Windows devices, see Supported Operations for Mobile Devices.



A policy is a set of configurations enforced on a device, that influences the device functionality. Policies are able to control the settings on devices, inform the user when the device is not responding as expected and much more. For example, you can disable the camera on a mobile device via a policy.



An Application Programming Interfaces (API) is a way of exposing software functionality without revealing its implementation. APIs enable software applications to interact with each other and exchange data. Following are the list of APIs WSO2 IoT Server supports:

  • Device Management APIs: These APIs expose the device management functionality associated with WSO2 IoT Server Device Management Console. You can also use them to facilitate device management functionality through a third-party UI as well.
  • Device APIs: These APIs ensure communication between devices and the WSO2 IoT Server.

  • App Management APIs: These APIs expose app publishing and app portal functionality associated with WSO2 IoT Server App Publisher and App Store respectively. You can also use them to facilitate app publishing and app portal functionality through third-party UIs as well.

  • API Management APIs: These APIs expose API publishing and API portal functionality associated with WSO2 IoT Server. 

  • Certificate Management APIs: These APIs implement Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) so that WSO2 IoT Server can authenticate and authorize devices with SSL certificates.

For more information, see Device Management REST APIs.


WSO2 IoT Server enables creating and managing new devices types that are not available by default. This helps Device Manufacturers to manage custom device types via WSO2 IoT Server. 

There are two steps you need to follow to start managing a new device type:

  • Step 01: Create the new device in WSO2 IoT Server via Device Extensions and install the Device Agent.

  • Step 02: Implement other necessary configurations required to establish the communication between the new devices and WSO2 IoT Server via Transport Extensions, Authentication Extensions, Analytics Extensions and UI Extensions.

Device Type Extensions

There are three methods that can be used to create a new device type:

Device Agents

Device agent is a software program installed on the hardware device that enables communication between the hardware device and WSO2 IoT Server. For more information, see Writing Device Agents.

Transport Extensions

Transport extensions enable you to establish a new communication channel between a device and WSO2 IoT Server. For more information, see Writing Transport Extensions.

Authentication Extensions

By default WOS2 IoT Server supports OAuth, basic auth, mutual SSL and certificate-based authentication mechanisms. If the new device types require some other authentication mechanism, authentication extensions can be used for this purpose.

Analytics Extensions

Analytics extensions help you to integrate with the Analytics profile of WSO2 IoT Server, so that device sensor data of a new device type can be channeled to the Analytics profile. For more information, see Writing Analytics and Monitoring Devices Using Location Based Services.

UI Extensions


  • party UIs as well.

  • API Management APIs: These APIs expose API publishing and API portal functionality associated with WSO2 IoT Server. 

  • Certificate Management APIs: These APIs implement Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) so that WSO2 IoT Server can authenticate and authorize devices with SSL certificates.

For more information, see Device Management REST APIs.


Security refers to the means through which computer systems are protected from damage and disruption without being compromised to risks and vulnerabilities. WSO2 IoT Server implements security at the application level and transport level.
