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Setting up delayed delivery for topics

When a topic has one or more subscriptions and when you need to apply a global delay to all the subscriptions of it, you can set it up in the broker by defining global policies.

Setting up delayed delivery for subscribers

The client who connects can override the global policies you set up for topics. When configuring the java.naming.provider.url parameter in the JMS Inbound Endpoint, you can pass the re-delivery policy property as a query String. For a detailed description on the policy properties, go to Apache ActiveMQ Documentation.


Code Block
titleInbound Endpoint configuration
<inboundEndpoint name="MARSInboundEP" onError="MARSEPErrorSeq"
        protocol="jms" sequence="ProcessOrderSeq" suspend="false">
               <parameter name="java.naming.provider.url">tcp://localhost:61616?jms.redeliveryPolicy.redeliveryDelay=1000&amp;jms.redeliveryPolicy.maximumRedeliveries=4</parameter>

Enforcing a delay per message

There are not an out of the box feature available in ActiveMQ to enforce delay per message. The re-delivery policies are defined by the Initial Context Factory when it establishes the connection and it does not happen on a per message basis.

However, before rolling back, you can enforce a delay using the Script mediator in the error sequence  as follows.



There is no grantee that the re-scheduling will occur as soon as the defined time period in the sleep(..) operation ends. Also, it considers the delay of any re-deliveries. For example, if the re-delivery delay is x seconds and the sleep time is y seconds, then the overall time for the message to get re-delivered is x+y seconds.

Also you can use the filter mediator and switch mediator to do the filtering as shown in the example below, when you need to define re-delivery intervals based on the message error condition dynamically.
