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Table of Contents


The table Element


Some types of fields can have optional attributes. A The text-area field accepts height and width as optional attributes. The height and width attributes should be numerical and their values should be in pixels. The text field accepts url as an optional attribute. Setting url="true" displays the text as a URL instead of as a plain text box.


This is the root element of the new artifact which is being defined. It has several attributes:

  • type - Defines the media type of the artifact. The type format should be application/vnd.[SOMENAME]+xml. SOMENAME can contain any alphanumeric character, "-" (hyphen), or "." (period).


     Use the following pattern when defining the media type of custom RXTs:  application/[a-zA-Z0-9.+-]+

  • shortName - Short name of the artifact. Only lower case characters are allowed in the short name. This value cannot be modified once the RXT is added into the WSO2 Governance Registry.
  • singularLabel - Singular label of the artifact
  • pluralLabel - Plural label of the artifact
  • hasNamespace - Defines whether the artifact has a namespace (boolean)
  • iconSet - Icon set number used for the artifact icons



You cannot have the (~!@#;%^*()+={}|\<>"',) characters in the value of the unique fields that are defined in the storagePath element in the RXT. Hence, you need to add a validation for the field definitions of those fields. For example, consider the following storage path.

Code Block

The validations required for the following storage path are as follows:

Code Block
<table name="Overview">
<field type="text" required="true">
<field type="text" required="true" validate="^([a-zA-Z0-9_\s\-]*)$">

When choosing attributes for the storagePath of an RXT, choose attributes, which have unique and static values. Also, mark those fields as read-only since you should not change the values of them after creating the asset.

Code Block
<field type="text" required="true" readonly="true">
<field type="text" required="true" readonly="true" validate="^([a-zA-Z0-9_\s\-]*)$">


The nameAttribute Element

Code Block
