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A toolbox can contain the below three main three artifacts.


artifacts as follows:

All three artifacts are not mandated, and they are optional. You can have all of three artifacts types or either one of them in one toolbox. And only those artifcats , and only the available artifacts will be deployed.

You can install the custom toolbox by following the steps in Installing custom toolbox.



Toolbox Structure

Toolbox artifacts should be placed in the as structure shown in the below structure:

Analytic Artifacts



The analytics scripts (Eg: Hive script) should be placed under in the analytics folder under toolbox. All the scripts which are placed under the analytics folder will be deployed. And if you ant to schedule the script then you have to include The file such as followingshould be included as follows in case the script needs to be scheduled.

The following are the properties which you have to include be included in the file if you want to include , if there ar two scripts by the names 'my_script' and 'my_another_script' that need to be included to the toolbox.

Code Block
analyzers.scripts=script1, script2





analyzers.scripts.script1.description=Description about my script


analyzers.scripts.script1.cron=1 * * * * ? *





analyzers.scripts.script2.description=Description about my another script


analyzers.scripts.script2.cron=1 * * * * ? *


As shown above the , linking the analyzer script to the toolbox occurs through 'analyzers.scripts.script1.filename' property, the script1 is the reference element to a script.

The cron property is optional, . It should be mentioned in this property file if you want to schedule the script then you should mention it in this property file. As shown in the above both scripts . Both scripts shown above are scheduled with cron expression '1 * * * * ? *'. If you dona script doesn't want to schedule the script need to be schedules to run, then simply you can avoid having the property for that particular script avoid this cron property in the file.

Stream Definition Artifacts

As shown in the structure of the toolbox, the stream definitions should be placed under streamDefn folder. The stream definitions are the definitions of your data stream which is published to BAM. You can have any number of stream definitions within one toolbox, but each of those are needed to defined under they should be defined in different files.

For example, if you are publishing your data is published with the stream definition shown below stream definition,



, it should be copied to a file and placed under the streamDefn folder. (The file name is not important but the content of the files is).

Code Block




                   'nickName': 'My_Stream',


                   'description': 'This is the stream definition 


used to send data to bam',



















Then, this stream definition needed to be copied into a file, and placed under the streamDefn folder. (Here the file name is not important, it'll be ignored, only the content of the files are important).

Dashboard Artifacts


Dashboard Artifacts

As shown in the toolbox structure, the dashboard artfacts artifacts should be placed under the dashboard directory. Dashboard artifcats artifacts can be for Gadget Dashboard  Dashboard or Jasper Dashboard or both artifacts. You need to have the respective artifacts for the dashboard in which you are going to visualise your data is visualized. The below following section will describe describes how to include the those artifctas artifacts in the toolbox.

Gadget Dashboard Artifacts

Gadget Dashboard related artifacts are given below.

As shown in above the , all gadget xmls which you are going to include to be included in the dashboard should be placed under the 'gadgets' folder. And also the if you have any css and js files, that also need to placed under the gadget directory. 

If you are using any jaggery files in your gaget xmls, then you have to place the jasggery files in the jaggery folder within dashboard folder. All these jaggery files will be deployed in the WSO2 BAM server.

Finally the dashboard tabs, , including any .css/.js files, if any. If jaggery files are used in the gadget xmls, they should be placed in the 'jaggery' folder in the 'dashboard' folder. Finally, the dashboard tabs and gadgets for the tabs should be mentioned in the '' file. Accroding According to what you have is mentioned in the dashboard.propertied properties file, the gadgets and tabs will be organised organized in the gadget dashboard.


Jaggery is a 100% open source framework to write Web applications and HTTP-focused Web services purely in Java Script, for all aspects of the application: front-end, server-side logic, communication and persistence. For more information on Jaggery, refer to:

Assume you have a gadget xmls as My_Gadget_1.xml, My_Gadget_2.xml, My_Gadget_3.xml, My_Gadget_4.xml under the gadgets folder. And you You are want to add My_Gadget_1.xml, My_Gadget_2.xml in to the first tab, and My_Gadget_3.xml, My_Gadget_4.xml to the second tab. Then the should be as follows. 

Code Block
dashboard.tabs=tab1, tab2

... Title


dashboard.tabs.tab1.gadgets=My_Gadget_1.xml, My_Gadget_2.xml

... Title


dashboard.tabs.tab2.gadgets=My_Gadget_3.xml, My_Gadget_4.xml


Here similar Similar to file the , tab1, tab2 are reference in the properties. And '' denotes the title of the tab denoted by the reference tab1. And tab1, will have the gadgets My_Gadget_1.xml, My_Gadget_2.xml in the indicated that order. Similarly. for the tab2, the title is 'Tab-2 Title' and the gadgets will be My_Gadget_3.xml, My_Gadget_4.xml in the mentioned that order.

Jasper Dashboard Artifacts

Jasper Dashboard related artifacts are given below.

Image Removed

As shown above all the jrxml files that you would like to include in the jasper dashboard should be placed under the jasper directory. and you have to link the jrxml file to the toolbox via the file.

And also if you want to access the database via jrxml file then you have to provide the datasuorce configuration xml file, which also should be placed under the dashboard directory and included in the file.

Assume you have My_Jasper.jrxml file in the jasper folder. And you are using the My_Datasource.xml configuration file which consists of the connection parameters, etc to the datasource as given below.

   <validationQuery>SELECT 1</validationQuery>

for the above scenario, the should be as follows.

jasper.tabs=tab1 Jasper Tab Title




According to the above configuration, there will be one tab and the title of that tab will be 'My Jasper Tab Title' and associated jasper file is 'My_Jasper.jrxml'. The datasource configuration is provided by 'datasource.configuration' property.


Packing the Toolbox

After including all required artifacts as described above in a directory, finally you need to make it as .zip file zip archive it and change the file extension to .tbox. The name of the .tbox is taken as the name of the toolbox. Further more You are now you are ready to install your toolbox, and you can install the toolbox by following the steps in Installing custom toolbox. For information, refer to section Installing custom toolbox.


Instructions to create a custom toolbox in WSO2 BAM.