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You can create new dashboards in the analytics dashboard as explained in the following sections.

Table of Contents

Creating a dashboard

Follow the steps below to create a dashboard.

  1. Access the analytics dashboard application using the following URL: https://<HOST_NAME>:<PORT>/portal/dashboards. (E .g. https://localhost:9443/portal/dashboards). You are presented with a login screen like below. 
    dashboard login
  2. Log in to the dashboard using Carbon login credentials. You are presented are presented with a list of dashboards you’ve already created as shown below.  

    available dashboardsImage Modified

  3.   Click the  following  following CREATE DASHBOARD button in the top navigational bar to create a new dashboard.

    Image Modified

  4. Enter a Title and a Description for the new dashboard as dashboard as shown below, and click Next.

    create a new dashboardImage Modified

  5.   Select a layout to place its components as shown below.

    selecting a layout for the new dashboard

  6. Click Select. You view a layout editor with the chosen layout blocks marked using dashed lines as shown below. Now the dashboard is persisted to the disk.

    dashboard editorImage Modified

  7. Click the following icon in the top menu. button to view all dashboardsImage Modified

  8. Click Dashboards to view the new dashboard added to the list of all available dashboards as shown below.


    You can edit, view or delete the dashboards using the corresponding options provided.

    new dashboard added to the listImage Modified

Setting permissions of a dashboard

Follow the steps below to set permissions of a dashboard.

  1. Log in to the analytics dashboard using Carbon login credentials, if you are not already logged in. 
  2. Click Edit Settings of the corresponding dashboard in which you want to set permissions.
  3. Click the following icon in the side menu bar. Image Removed
  4. Enter the user roles to which you would like to grant respective permissions to view and edit for Permissions as shown below.


    By default, the user role Internal/everyone is set for Editors.

    granting permissions on the dashboard

Viewing the preview of a dashboard

Follow the steps below to view the preview of a dashboard.

  1. Log in to the analytics dashboard using Carbon login credentials, if you are not already logged in. 
  2. Click EditView of the corresponding dashboard in which you want to set permissions.
  3. Click the following button in the top menu bar. 
    preview button Image Removed
  4. view.
  5. You view the preview of the selected dashboard with all its pages in different tabs as shown below.
    Image Modified

Exporting a dashboard

Follow the steps below to export a dashboard configuration as a JSON file.

  1.  Log in to the analytics dashboard using Carbon login credentials, if you are not already logged in. 
  2. Click EditDesign of the corresponding dashboard which you want to export.
  3. Click the following button in the top menu bar.  
    export buttonImage Modified
  4. You view the dashboard configuration exported to JSON format in a new tab of your web browser as shown below.
    dashboard configuration exported to JSON formatImage Modified