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Since each WSO2 product is a Java application, you can install them with Java Development Kit and set the environment variables.


Refer to to Installation Prerequisites for the list of all applications necessary to install and work with WSO2 products.


Establish a SSH connection to the Linux machine or log in on the text Linux console. You should either log in as root or obtain root permissions after login via su or sudo command.

Step 1. Download Java Development Kit (JDK) from the Official Site

1. Open a Web browser and access the following URL:


2. The Java download page opens.

Wiki Markup
!JDK-on-Solaris.png|alt="Install JDK on Solaris"!

Install JDK on SolarisImage Added


It is recommended to create a new directory to save the download bundle to, as the next step is to extract several directories and files into this directory. The directory can be anywhere you choose.

Step 2. Extract the Contents

Extract the contents of the compressed TAR file:

!extract-tar.png|alt="Extract JDK on Solaris"!
Code Block
zcat jdk-6u25-solaris-i586.tar.Z | tar -xf -
Wiki Markup

Extract JDK on SolarisImage Added

This creates several directories (SUNWj6rt, SUNWj6dev, SUNWj6cfg, SUNWj6man, SUNWj6dmo, and SUNWj6jmp) plus a few files in the current directory.

Wiki Markup
!create-directories.png|alt="create directories"!

create directoriesImage Added

Step 3. Install JDK

Run the pkgadd command to install the packages.

Code Block
pkgadd -d . SUNWj6rt SUNWj6dev SUNWj6cfg SUNWj6man SUNWj6dmo
Wiki Markup
!install-packages.png|alt="Install package"!

Install packageImage Added

This command installs the JDK into /usr/jdk/jdk1.6.0.

Step 4. Check Installation

Verify the Java version by entering the following command:

!Java-version.png|alt="Java version"!
Code Block
java -version
Wiki Markup

Java versionImage Added


Instructions to install Java development kit on Solaris.
