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You can add a cartridge group using the CLI tool, REST API or the management console (UI) PPaaS Console as shown below:


Sample cartridge group JSON

Adding a cartridge group via the CLI

CLI commandadd-cartridge-group
DescriptionAdd a cartridge group.
Command format
Code Block
add-cartrdige-group -p <JSON_FILE_PATH>

The path to the JSON file that defines the cartridge group needs to be defined as the  <JSON_FILE_PATH>  value.

Parameter definition
Short optionLong optionDescriptionRequiredExample value
--resource-pathFolder path where the JSON file defining the cartridge group is stored.yes



Add a cartridge group that has been defined in the <PRIVATE_PAAS_SAMPLES>CARTRIDGES>/wso2am/1.9.0/samples/cartridge-groups/wso2am-190/wso2am-190-group1.json file.

Code Block
add-cartridge-group -p <PRIVATE_PAAS_SAMPLES>CARTRIDGES>/wso2am/1.9.0/samples/cartridge-groups/wso2am-190/wso2am-190-group1.json
Sample output
Code Block
Cartridge Group added successfully: [cartridge-group] keymanager-gw-manager-gw-worker

Adding a cartridge group via the REST API

DescriptionAdd a cartridge group.
Resource Path/cartridgeGroups
Request/Response Formatapplication/json
Command format
Code Block
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @'<JSON_PAYLOAD>' -k -v -u <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> https://<PRIVATE_PAAS_HOST>:<PRIVATE_PAAS_HTTPS_PORT>/api/cartridgeGroups
  • The path to the JSON file that defines the cartridge group needs to be defined as the <JSON_PAYLOAD> value.
  • By default, <USERNAME>:<PASSWORD> is admin:admin.
  • By default, <PRIVATE_PAAS_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <PRIVATE_PAAS_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.

Add a cartridge group that has been defined in the <PRIVATE_PAAS_SAMPLES>CARTRIDGES>/wso2am/1.9.0/samples/cartridge-groups/wso2am-190/wso2am-190-group1.json file.

Code Block
cd <PRIVATE_PAAS_SAMPLES>CARTRIDGES>/wso2am/1.9.0/samples
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @'cartridge-groups/wso2am-190/wso2am-190-group1.json' -k -v -u admin:admin https://localhost:9443/api/cartridgeGroups
Sample output
Code Block
> POST /api/cartridgeGroups HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:9443
> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
> User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Content-Length: 233
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Date: Tue, 06 Oct 2015 11:28:13 GMT
< Location: https://localhost:9443/api/cartridgeGroups/keymanager-gw-manager-gw-worker
< Content-Type: application/json
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
{"status":"success","message":"Cartridge Group added successfully: [cartridge-group] keymanager-gw-manager-gw-worker"}

You will come across the following HTTP status codes while adding a cartridge group:

HTTP status code

201, 400, 409, 500

See the descriptions of the HTTP status codes here.

titleManagement console

Add a cartridge group via the management console



PPaaS Console

Adding a cartridge group via the PPaaS Console

Follow the instructions below to add a cartridge group:

  1. Click Configurations on the home page.
    Image Added
  2. Click Cartridge Groups.
    Image Added
  3. Click ADD CARTRIDGE GROUP.Image Added
  4. Define the cartridge group as follows:
    Image Added
    1. To define the cartridge group details. For information on all the properties that you can use in a cartridge group definition, see the Cartridge Group Resource Definition.
      1. Define the Group Name.
      2. Define the Startup Order based on the cartridge group you wish to create.

        1. Click  +Startup Order.

        2. Click +alias to add dependencies to the startup order.
          Example: cartridge.<CARTRIDGE_ALIAS>,group.<GROUP_ALIAS>


          When creating an application, you need to use the same cartridge alias and group alias, which you use here when creating a cartridge group.

      3. Define the Scaling Dependents based on the application you wish to create.
        1. Click  +Scaling Dependent.
        2. Click +alias to add dependencies to the startup order.
          Example: cartridge.<ALIAS>,group.<ALIAS> 
      4. Select the Termination Behavior state.
      5. Click Update to update the group details.
  5. Add dependancies to the cartridge group. 


    You can not reuse existing cartridge groups as a nested group in a new cartridge group. The cartridge group needs to be always created from scratch.

    1. To add a cartridge to the main cartridge group or a nested group.
      1. Click cartridges to expand the cartridge pane. This step can be skipped if the cartridge pane is already expanded.
      2. Optionally, if you wish to view the details of a cartridge, single click on the respective cartridge in the cartridge pane. The cartridge details appear in the information pane.
      3. Double click on the cartridge, which you wish to add to the group, for the selected cartridge to appear in the main pane.
      4. Drag the group connector, which appears underneath the group in the shape of a rectangle, and drop it on top of the cartridge connector, which appears in the shape of a half circle, on top of the cartridge.
    2. To add a nested group to a cartridge group.
      1. Click Group Templates to expand the group template pane. This step can be skipped if the group template pane is already expanded.
      2. Double click on the group node template for the nested group template to appear in the main pane.
      3. Drag the main group connector, which appears underneath the group in the shape of a rectangle, and drop it on top of the nested group connector, which appears in the shape of a half circle, on top of the main group.
      Repeat steps (a) and (b) based on the cartridge group that you wish to create. The overall topology view of the cartridge group will appear in the main pane. 
      If you wish to reposition the nodes in a more organized manner, click the reposition nodes link.  
      Image Added
    3. To delete a cartridge or nested group, 
      1. Right click on the respective object and click delete.
        Image Added
      2. Click Yes to confirm the removal of the object from the main panel.
  6. Click SAVE to add the cartridge group definition.



Sample cartridge group JSON

Code Block
  "name": "keymanager-gw-manager-gw-worker",
  "cartridges": [
  "dependencies": {
    "terminationBehaviour": "terminate-none"