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The following sections explain how to search an locate an asset in WSO2 G-Reg Publisher.


  1. Navigate to the G-Reg Store. For instructions, see Navigating to G-Reg Publisher.
  2. Enter your username and password in the next screen as shown below.


    If you do not have credentials to log in, you may temporarily use the default admin/admin credentials.

    login of the PublisherImage Modified

  3. Click Sign In. The home page will appear as shown below.
    Publisher home page


  • If you need to search against all assets, do the search in the Governance Publisher Home page.
  • If you need to search against one asset type (e.g. search only in SOAP services), do the search in the page that lists all assets of that asset type, which you view when you click the button of that asset type (e.g. SOAP Services) in the left menu of the Governance Publisher Home page.
  • There can be assets that are restricted for a certain user role, which is done at artifact level. If you are logged in to the Publisher as one of the users with a role restricted for a certain artifact, you will not view that particular artifact in the Publisher search.  
  • You can use the the wildcard (*) search, and the character ? to represent one character in the search queries.

Search filed of Publisher

titleUsing keywords to search

WSO2 G-Reg Publisher supports the following advanced search operators, for you to use as keywords or symbols, to find what you are looking for quickly and accurately in the search operation. You can view a summary of these by clicking the info icon next to the search filed as shown below.

view search keywordsImage Added

name: Specifies the asset name. You view assets that contain the word you enter in its name, which you define when creating the asset.
  • name:uber
  • name:"Ordering Service.wadl"


    Use double quotes within the search query, if you are specifying the name of an asset, which includes spaces in between its words.

  • Buymore


    If you type text without a keyword in the search field, the search query interprets it as you want to retrieve an asset that contains the word you enter in its name. For an example, typing "BuyMore" is similar to the following search query: name:BuyMore.

mediaType: Specifies the asset type (mime type). The search keywords for o ut of the box media types are: wsdl, wadl, policy, xsd, restservice, soap-service, etc. You view assets which contain the word you enter in its media type (e.g. application/wsdl+xml, application/vnd.wso2-soap-service+xml). For information on finding the media-type or artifact-type of an asset, see Governance Artifacts Configuration Model Elements.  
  • mediaType:wsdl
  • mediaType:soap-service
version: Specify the asset version. You view assets of which the version equals to what you enter.  To search by this, you need to create of the selected asset. For information on creating new versions of an asset, see Adding a New Version of an Asset.  


tags: Specifies tags attached to the asset. You view assets which are tagged with the word you enter. To search by this, you need to create tags for the selected asset. For information on creating tags for an asset, see Viewing, Adding and Deleting Tags in Publisher.  
  • tags:mac
  • tags:new-Engineering 

The search query for tags does not allow you to use spaces in between its words. Therefore, to search using a tag that includes spaces (e.g. "new Engineering"), use the dash sign in the search query.


Searches for assets with content as preferred. You view assets which contain the word you enter in its content. Other than that, you can search sentences by passing the value within quotes.

  • content:uber


    For assets with metadata-type RXTs, which you create (e.g. SOAP and REST Services etc.), use words found in any field name or value in the RXT file of the asset as search parameters in the search query. For information on the field names and values, see any section in the Viewing Information of an Asset .

  • content:"Adding the WSDL file"


    For assets with content-type RXTs (e.g. WSDLs, WADLs, Swaggers etc.), use words found in the source file of the asset as search parameters in the search query. For information on the source file, see the Content section in Viewing Information of an Asset.

lcName: Specifies the asset's lifecycle name. You view assets of which the lifecycle name equals to what you enter. For information on the life cycle of an asset, see Managing Life Cycles of Assets.   lcName: ServiceLifeCycle
lcState: Specifies the asset's lifecycle state. You view assets of which the lifecycle state equals to what you enter. For information on the life cycle of an asset, see Managing Life Cycles of Assets .   lcState:Development
associationType: Searches for assets which are associated with the given type. To search by this, you need to create associations for the selected asset. For information on creating associations for an asset, see Adding Associations for an Asset.  
  • associationType:depends
  • associationType:security
author: Specifies the author of the asset.   You view assets which are created or deployed by the given admin



updater: Specifies the last updater of the asset. You view assets which are last updated by the given author.updater: admin
category: Searches for assets that belong to the given category. To search by this, you need to create categories for the selected asset. For information on creating categories for an asset, see Adding Categories for an Asset.  
  • category: Engineering
  • category:Marketing

Searches for assets by the given RXT field value. You view assets which have the value as specified of the given RXT field name. For information on table and field names of a Configurable Governance Artifact (RXT) file, see Governance Artifacts Configuration Model Elements.


  • overview_category:Engineering


    You do not need to specify the <RXT_TABLE_NAME> (i.e. overview_) when searching for values in fields of the overview table (e.g. category), since it gets automatically appended in the search query. Hence, you can type the above search query as category:Engineering.

  • interface_transports:https
  • security_authenticationType:none
[space] - in between the search operatorsSearches assets by two or more fields. You view assets which match all the given search operators.

name: echo version: 1.0.0

titleUsing the Advanced Search

If you know one or more attributes of an asset, you can click on the following Advanced Search button, to perform an advanced search: advanced search optionImage Added

Enter value(s) for the given attributes of the asset that you want to search as shown below.

perform an advanced searchImage Added

For an example, you can search for version 1.0.0 of the BuyMoreBillCalculateRESTAPI asset (i.e. deployed when you execute the Quick Start Guide sample), by typing the following text in the provided search field as shown below: 
name:BuyMoreBillCalculateRESTAPI version:1.0.0 

Image Added

You view the version 1.0.0 of the BuyMoreBillCalculateRESTAPI asset as shown below.
view the assetImage Added
Click on the retrieved asset and perform the available Publisher operations on it. For more information, see Performing Publisher Operations on an Asset.