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Relational Store Service Samples

Sample NameSummary
Consume Data in RSS DB Using a Web ApplicationWeb application deployed in WSO2 application server consumes data in the RSS DB.Command-Line SQL Operations on RSS DB
Expose data with Data ServicesDemonstrates some basic SQL operations on a DB created by RSS.

Column Store Service Samples

Sample NameSummary
Demonstrates how to develop a Cassandra back-end Web application and keyspaces.
Demonstrates WSO2 SS deployment and multetenancy using simple keysapce and column family operations.
Counts the number of keys in a column family using 'Cassandra column family key counter'.


Sample NameSummary
Web application deployed in WSO2 application server consumes data in the RSS DBDemonstrates an HDFS client that connects with Hadoop file system and creates a file.