Table of Contents | ||||||
The following is the source code of a custom attribute finder. It simply parses the distinguished name of the certificate and extracts the value of CN, which is used as the identifier to query the user store for claims.
language | java |
Configuring Key Stores
The following steps generate a key pair for the particular user you are interested in client's key store, and add his/her certificate to IS' key store.
You can use the key store of the sts-sample downloaded (which is located at sts-sample/src/main/resources/keystore/wso2carbon.jks
), and you can test this with the "admin" user.
Generate a new key pair in client's key store with the CN "admin" (or any other, if you want to test a different user in the IS user store).
Code Block keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias admin -keypass admin123 -keystore path/to/client/wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon -dname "CN=admin"
Generate a certificate from the key pair.
Code Block keytool -export -alias admin -file path/to/admin.cert -keystore path/to/client/wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon
Import the new certificate to
.Code Block keytool -import -alias admin -file path/to/admin.cert -keystore path/to/server/wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon
- When it asks "Trust this certificate? [no]:" at the end of above command, enter yes.
Running the Servers
In ESB, change the "Offset" value to 1 in {ESB_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml
. This allows you to run both IS and ESB servers parallelly. IS runs on the default port 9443 and ESB on 9444.
Start both servers by executing the following:
Panel |
Securing an Echo Service (the Relying Party) in ESB
- Add a custom policy to the registry.
- Create a new collection (which is essentially a folder) to maintain custom policies.
- Add the service-policy.xml located at '
' to this collection.
- Create a new collection (which is essentially a folder) to maintain custom policies.
- Secure the echo service with the custom policy.
- Go to the Services list and click the Unsecured link of the echo service.
- Select Yes in the "Enable Security?" option.
- Give the path of the policy file we uploaded to registry, in the Policy From Registry section at the end of the page.
- Click Next.
- In the following page, select wso2carbon.jks as the Trusted Key Store.
- Go to the Services list and click the Unsecured link of the echo service.
The end service is successfully configured now.
Add ESB's Echo Service as a Trusted Service of STS
In the Security Token Service page (Main > Manage > Security Token Service) of the WSO2 Identity Server, Add new trusted service with the following details:
Panel |
Endpoint Address = Certificate Alias = wso2carbon |
Secure STS with Non-repudiation
- Click Apply on the above screen.
- Select "Yes" in the "Enable Security?" option.
- Select scenario 2 - Non-repudiation, and click Next.
- On the following page, as we did for ESB, select 'wos2carbon.jks' as the Trusted Key Store.
Ensure Necessary Claims are Added to the User
- The echo service requires first name and the email address as the claims (refer service-policy.xml).
- Check the user profile of the particular user ("admin" in default case) to make sure the values for those claims are available.
Both ESB and IS are now configured.
Testing with the STS Client
The following are the (partially clipped) sources that make up the Client.
Client.java can invoke token issue binding on STS, as well as send the request to the echo service.
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public class Client { ... public static void main(String[] args) { Client client = new Client(); client.run(); } private void run() { try { loadConfigurations(); // set the trust store as a system property for communication over // TLS. System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStore", keystorePath); System.setProperty("javax.net.ssl.trustStorePassword", keystorePwd); // create configuration context ConfigurationContext configCtx = ConfigurationContextFactory .createConfigurationContextFromFileSystem(repoPath); // create STS client STSClient stsClient = new STSClient(configCtx); stsClient.setRstTemplate(getRSTTemplate()); String action = null; String responseTokenID = null; action = TrustUtil.getActionValue(RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, RahasConstants.RST_ACTION_ISSUE); stsClient.setAction(action); // request the security token from STS. Token responseToken; Policy stsPolicy = loadPolicy(stsPolicyPath); // add rampart config assertion to the ws-sec policies RampartConfig rampartConfig = buildRampartConfig(); stsPolicy.addAssertion(rampartConfig); responseToken = stsClient.requestSecurityToken(null, stsEPR, stsPolicy, relyingPartyEPR); // store the obtained token in token store to be used in future // communication. TokenStorage store = TrustUtil.getTokenStore(configCtx); responseTokenID = responseToken.getId(); store.add(responseToken); // print token System.out.println(responseToken.getToken().toString()); ... //Send the token to relying party if (enableRelyingParty) { /* Invoke secured service using the obtained token */ RahasDataOMElement dataresponseElem = null; String userIdentifier = null // create service client ServiceClient serClient = new ServiceClient(configCtx, null); String[] splitArr // engage modules serClient.engageModule("addressing"); serClient.engageModule("rampart"); // load policy of secured tryservice { Policy data = attrCallback.getData(sec_policy = loadPolicy(relyingPartyPolicyPath); // add rampart config to the ws-sec policies sec_policy.addAssertion(rampartConfig); splitArr = data.getPrincipal().getName().split(",")[0].split("= // set in/out security policies in client opts serClient.getOptions().setProperty(RampartMessageData.KEY_RAMPART_POLICY, sec_policy); // Set the token id as a property in the Axis2 client scope, so that // this will be picked up when creating the secure message to invoke // the endpoint. serClient.getOptions().setProperty(RampartMessageData.KEY_CUSTOM_ISSUED_TOKEN, responseTokenID); // set action of the Hello Service to be invoked. serClient.getOptions().setAction("urn:echoString"); serClient.getOptions().setTo(new EndpointReference(relyingPartyEPR)); if (splitArr.length == 2) { // invoke the service userIdentifierresponseElem = splitArr[1]; serClient.sendReceive(getPayload(echoRequestMsg)); // cleanup transports loadClaims(userIdentifierserClient.getOptions().setCallTransportCleanup(true); processClaimData(data, data.getClaimElemSystem.out.println(responseElem.toString()); populateClaimValues(userIdentifier, attrCallback); System.exit(0); } } catch (IOException e) { } e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExceptionTrustException e) { log.error("Error occuerd while populating claim data", e);e.printStackTrace(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private OMElement getRSTTemplate() throws TrustException { OMFactory omFac = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory(); OMElement element = omFac.createOMElement(SP11Constants.REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_TEMPLATE); if (ClientConstants.SAML_TOKEN_TYPE_20.equals(tokenType)) { TrustUtil.createTokenTypeElement(RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, element).setText( RahasConstants.TOK_TYPE_SAML_20); } else if (ClientConstants.SAML_TOKEN_TYPE_11.equals(tokenType)) { } |
You can download the compiled version of this - org.wso2.carbon.identity.resource.sts.attributeservice.x509-1.0.0.jar
- from here.
Copy this into {IS_HOME}/repository/components/dropins folder
Configuring Key Stores
The following steps generate a key pair for the particular user you are interested in client's key store, and add his/her certificate to IS' key store.
If you are using the key store of the sts-sample downloaded (which is located at sts-sample/src/main/resources/keystore/wso2carbon.jks
), and if you want to test with the "admin" user, skip step 1.
Generate a new key pair in client's key store with the CN "admin" (or any other, if you want to test a different user in the IS user store).
Code Block keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias admin -keypass admin123 -keystore path/to/client/wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon -dname "CN=admin"
Generate a certificate from the key pair.
Code Block keytool -export -alias admin -file path/to/admin.cert -keystore path/to/client/wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon
Import the new certificate to
.Code Block keytool -import -alias admin -file path/to/admin.cert -keystore path/to/server/wso2carbon.jks -storepass wso2carbon
- When it asks "Trust this certificate? [no]:" at the end of above command, enter yes.
Running the Servers
In ESB, change the "Offset" value to 1 in {ESB_HOME}/repository/conf/carbon.xml
. This allows you to run both IS and ESB servers parallelly. IS runs on the default port 9443 and ESB on 9444.
Start both servers by executing the following:
Panel |
Securing an Echo Service (the Relying Party) at ESB
Add a custom policy to the registry.
Create a new collection (which is essentially a folder) to maintain custom policies.
TrustUtil.createTokenTypeElement(RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, element).setText(
if (ClientConstants.SUBJECT_CONFIRMATION_BEARER.equals(subjectConfirmationMethod)) {
TrustUtil.createKeyTypeElement(RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, element,
.equals(subjectConfirmationMethod)) {
TrustUtil.createKeyTypeElement(RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, element,
// request claims in the token.
OMElement claimElement = TrustUtil.createClaims(RahasConstants.VERSION_05_02, element,claimDialect);
// Populate the <Claims/> element with the <ClaimType/> elements
addClaimType(claimElement, claimUris);
return element;
private void addClaimType(OMElement parent, String[] claimUris) {
OMElement element = null;
// For each and every claim uri, create an <ClaimType/> elem
for (String attr : claimUris) {
element = parent.getOMFactory()
new QName("http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/05/identity",
"ClaimType", "wsid"), parent);
element.addAttribute(parent.getOMFactory().createOMAttribute("Uri", null, attr));
private Policy loadPolicy(String policyPath) throws XMLStreamException, FileNotFoundException {
StAXOMBuilder omBuilder = new StAXOMBuilder(policyPath);
return PolicyEngine.getPolicy(omBuilder.getDocumentElement());
private RampartConfig buildRampartConfig() {
RampartConfig rampartConfig = new RampartConfig();
Properties cryptoProperties = new Properties();
cryptoProperties.put("org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.type", "JKS");
cryptoProperties.put("org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.file", keystorePath);
.put("org.apache.ws.security.crypto.merlin.keystore.password", keystorePwd);
CryptoConfig cryptoConfig = new CryptoConfig();
return rampartConfig;
private OMElement getPayload(String value) {
OMFactory factory = null;
OMNamespace ns = null;
OMElement elem = null;
OMElement childElem = null;
factory = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory();
ns = factory.createOMNamespace("http://echo.services.core.carbon.wso2.org", "ns");
elem = factory.createOMElement("echoString", ns);
childElem = factory.createOMElement("in", null);
return elem;
} |
PasswordCBHandler.java is used by the underlying Rampart module to get the password of the key alias which is used to sign the request.
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public class PasswordCBHandler implements CallbackHandler{
public void handle(Callback[] callbacks) throws IOException, UnsupportedCallbackException {
WSPasswordCallback pwcb = (WSPasswordCallback) callbacks[0];
String id = pwcb.getIdentifier();
int usage = pwcb.getUsage();
if (usage == WSPasswordCallback.USERNAME_TOKEN) {
if (username.equals(id)) {
} else if (usage == WSPasswordCallback.SIGNATURE || usage == WSPasswordCallback.DECRYPT) {
if (keyAlias.equals(id)) {
} |
You can configure the client by using the 'sts-sample/src/main/resources/client.properties
' to this collection.
file. By default, it is configured to run the client in SAML2 and 'Bearer' subject confirmation modes using "admin" as the user.
There are scripts named sts-client.sh and sts-client.bat included in the sts-sample download. By using them, you can directly run the client without much hassle.
Upon execution, you can see an output similar to the following: