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The HL7 data agent is used to collect and monitor HL7 messages coming from WSO2 ESB. The following sections explain how to configure the HL7 data agent in the ESB and monitor HL7 messages in BAM:

Table of Contents


HL7 data agent (message publisher) comes by default with the HL7 transport that you installed earlier. To enable the data agent in the ESB and configure it to connect to BAM, set the following parameters within the <axisconfig name="AxisJava2.0"> element in the <ESB_HOME>/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file:


  1. Log in to the BAM management console and select Add under BAM Toolbox menu. 

  2. Go to the Custom Toolbox section, select <BAM_HOME>/samples/toolboxes/HL7.tbox file and click Install.

    • Deploying the toolbox can take several minutes to complete because a separate index column family is created per each field given in the streams.definitions.defn1.arbitraryindexes and streams.definitions.defn1.customindexes sections. Enable the debug log to see the progress of the deployment and the index CF names per each field.

    To modify the toolbox, extract the .tbox as you extract a zip file, add your modifications, archive it back as a .zip and then rename the .zip extension to .tbox.

Monitoring HL7 messages using BAM

Use either BAM message console or Cassandra explorer to monitor the HL7 messages as follows.

Monitoring using BAM message console
Monitoring using BAM message console
Monitoring using BAM message console

After deploying the toolbox, you can access the HL7 message console in BAM through which you can monitor HL7 messages coming from the ESB.


Log in to BAM management console using admin/admin credentials. Any user with admin privileges can log in.
Click Message Console in the Dashboards menu.
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If you have multiple dashboards installed, all available ones will be displayed at the top for you to select from. Select the Message Console dashboard.  


In the Message Console Dashboard enter the connection details to Cassandra cluster and click Login.

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  • Connection URL : Connection URL of the Cassandra cluster with IP and port. e.g., localhost:9160. This field is mandatory.
  • Username/Password : Credentials of the cluster

The message search page opens.
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The fields of the message search page are described below:


Message type

Stream name to perform the search on. For HL7 messages, select bam_hl7_data_publisher_store. This field is mandatory.


Message status (success/failure/all)

Max Rows

Maximum number of search results to be displayed
Start time/End TimeTime interval to search messages


  • The Expand Message icon to view message content
  • An activity ID (value is equal to to Message control ID) to view all events that belong to the activity   


For instructions on how to monitor HL7 messages using the BAM message console, see Message Console.

Monitoring using Cassandra explorer
Monitoring using Cassandra explorer
Monitoring using Cassandra explorer

Follow the below steps to monitor HL7 messages using Cassandra explorer.

  1. To see details of the HL7 messages in BAM, select Explore Cluster under Cassandra Explorer menu of the Tools menu in the management console.
  2. Connect to the Cassandra cluster.

    • Connection Url* : Connection URL of the Cassandra cluster with IP and port. e.g., localhost:9160. This field is mandatory.
    • Username/Password : Credentials of the cluster
    • Maximum Result Count : Maximum number of results retrieved from the Cassandra cluster
  3. Browse keyspace bam_hl7_data_publisher_store -> event_ks. For example,
