Deploying and testing the service
- Deploy the rule service through the BRS management console. You can follow either of the two methods:
- Bundle all artifacts in an .aar file and upload it (Rule Service -> Upload menu).
- Create using the Rule Service wizard UI (Rule Service -> Create menu).
The above steps are discussed in detail in section Exposing Rules as Services .
- After deployment, click on List under Services in the main tab of the management console. The service will appear in the Deployed Services page.
- Click Shopping Service to access the dashboard of the service.
- Click Try this service in the Client Operations widget of the dashboard to invoke the Try-it tool.
Click addProduct in the left pane of the Try-it tool and issue a request similar to the following in the Try-it tool to add a product:
Code Block language html/xml <name>product name</name> <price>12.34</price>
You would get the following result:
Code Block language xml <axis2ns11:addProductResponse xmlns:axis2ns11="http://com.test/shopping"/>
Click purchase in the left pane of the Try-it Tool and issue another request similar to the following to make a purchase:
Code Block language html/xml <customer>Tester</customer> <product>Test Product</product>
The following would be logged in the terminal:
Code Block New Customer : Tester Customer Tester just purchased Test Product
Repeat this step ten times. You would get the following result in the Try-it tool:
Code Block language xml <discount>10</discount> <name>Tester</name>
Alternatively, you can use Generate Axis2 Client link in the
Client Operations
widget of the dashboard to invoke the service. A client using generated stub codes is shown below where the codes were generated with the Unpacks the data binding classes check box checked.Code Block language java package org.wso2.carbon.samples; import org.apache.axis2.AxisFault; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.shoppingService.product.AddProduct; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.shoppingService.product.Product; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.shoppingService.purchaseOrder.Discount; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.shoppingService.purchaseOrder.Purchase; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.shoppingService.purchaseOrder.PurchaseOrder; import org.wso2.carbon.samples.shoppingService.stub.ShoppingServiceStub; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public class ShoppingServiceTestCase { public static void main(String[] args) { ShoppingServiceStub shoppingServiceStub = null; try { shoppingServiceStub = new ShoppingServiceStub("http://localhost:9763/services/ShoppingService"); shoppingServiceStub._getServiceClient().getOptions().setManageSession(true); AddProduct addProduct = new AddProduct(); Product product = new Product(); product.setName("toy"); product.setPrice(200); Product[] products = new Product[1]; products[0] = product; shoppingServiceStub.addProduct(products); PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder(); Purchase purchase = new Purchase(); purchase.setCustomer("Ishara"); purchase.setProduct("toy"); Purchase[] purchases = new Purchase[1]; purchases[0] = purchase; purchaseOrder.setPurchase(purchases); Discount[] discounts = shoppingServiceStub.purchase(purchases); int result = discounts[0].getAmount(); System.out.println(result); } catch (AxisFault axisFault) { axisFault.printStackTrace(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
Excerpt hidden true Shopping service sample of the WSO2 Business Rules Server samples guide.