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This guide uses version 1.0.0 of the BuyMoreBillCalculateRESTAPI asset, which you searched and retrieved in Searching for an Asset in Publisher

Table of Contents

Viewing information about an asset

Follow the steps below to view information about an asset.

  1.  Log Log in to the G-Reg Publisher if you are not already logged inusing the following URL and admin/admin credentials:    https://<G-REG_HOST>:<G-REG_PORT>/publisher
  2. Search and locate the asset. For instructions, see Searching for an Asset in Store.
  3. Click on the asset.

You view the following information about it as shown below.

view details of the assetImage Added

Editing an asset

Follow the steps below to edit an asset.

  1. Log in to the G-Reg Publisher using the following URL and admin/admin credentials:  https://<G-REG_HOST>:<G-REG_PORT>/publisher
  2. Search and locate the asset. For instructions, see Searching for an Asset in Store.
  3. Click on the asset.
  4. Click Edit. 
    edit buttonImage Added
  5. Update the required details about the asset in the below screen.
    edit details about the assetImage Added
  6. Click Update.
    You view the following


  1. message upon successful update of the asset. 
    message on successful updateImage Added