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  1. Configure and deploy the JAX-RS Basics sample by following the instructions for building and running the sample on the JAX-RS Basics page.
  2. Start WSO2 EI  and change the configuration as follows:

    Code Block
    <definitions xmlns="">
       <sequence name="fault">
          <log level="full">
             <property name="MESSAGE" value="Executing default sequence"/>
             <property name="ERROR_CODE" expression="get-property('ERROR_CODE')"/>
             <property name="ERROR_MESSAGE" expression="get-property('ERROR_MESSAGE')"/>
       <sequence name="main">
       <api name="testAPI" context="/customerservice">
          <resource methods="POST" url-mapping="/customers">
                      <address uri="http://localhost:82808282/jaxrs_basic/services/customers/customerservice"/>

    In this proxy configuration, testAPI intercepts messages that are sent to the relative URL /customerservice/customers and sends them to the relevant endpoint by appending the url-mapping of the resource tag to the end of the endpoint URL.

  3. Start tcpmon and make it listen to port 8280 8282 of your local machine. It is also important to set the target host name and the port as required. In this case, the target port needs to be set to 8280 (i.e. the port where the backend service is running).
    We will now test the connection by sending a POST message that includes a payload inside an HTML body.

  4. Go to the terminal and issue the following command:
    curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "<Customer><id>123</id><name>John</name></Customer>" http://localhost:8280/customerservice/customers

  5. The following reply message appears in the console:

    Code Block


  6. Now send the same POST message but without the enclosed data as follows:
    curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "" http://localhost:8280/customerservice/customer


    You would need to configure the backend service to handle such requests, if not the WSO2 EI will throw exceptions.

          The tcpmon output shows the same REST request that was sent by the client, demonstrating that WSO2 EI handled the POST message regardless of whether it included a payload. However, you would need to configure the back-end service to handle such requests, or the application server will throw exceptions. 

Using POST with Query Parameters


To test this scenario, use the same setup as above, but instead of removing the data part from the request, add some query parameters to the URL as follows:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: applicationtext/xml" -d "<Customer><id>123</id><name>John</name></Customer>" 'http://localhost:8280/customerservice/customers?param1=value1¶m2value1&param2=value2'

When you execute this command, you can see the following output in tcpmon:


As you can see, the query parameters are present in the REST request, demonstrating that the ESB WSO2 EI sent them along with the message. You could write resource methods to support this type of a request. In this example, the resource method accessed by this request simply ignores the parameters.


Typically, a GET request does not contain a body, and WSO2 ESB does not support these types of requests. When it receives a GET request that contains a body, it drops the message body as it sends the message to the endpoint. YOu can test this scenario using the same setup as above, but this time the client command should look like this:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: applicationtext/xml" -d "<Customer><id>123</id><name>John</name></Customer>" 'http://localhost:8280/jaxrs_basic/services/customers/customerservice/customers/123' -X GET

The additional parameter -X replaces the original POST method with the specified method, which in this case is GET. This will cause the client to send a GET request with a message similar to a POST request. If you view the output in tcpmon, you will see that there is no message body in the request.