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To run WSO2 Enterprise Store (ES), you start the product server at the command line. You can then run the ES Publisher (Back Office), to configure and manage the store assets; while you can use the Store as an asset catalog. You can then run the ES Management Console to configure and manage the product. 


Starting the server


If you want your dynamic changes on asset type RXTs to take place as a hot deployment in ES, then first enable asset hot deployment before starting the server. For more information, see Asset Type Hot Deployment.

Follow the instructions below to start WSO2 ES based on the Operating System that you use.


  1. Anchor
    Click Launch -> Run Applications, type dtterm at the Prompt, and then press Enter, to open a Command Prompt.
  2. Navigate to the <ES_HOME>/bin directory using the Command Prompt.
  3. Execute the following command:

    Code Block
  4. The operation log appears in the command window. When the product server has successfully started, the log displays the message "WSO2 Carbon started in 'n' seconds".

    1. nohup

    1. sh

    1. "$CARBON_HOME"/bin/

    1. $args

    1. >

    1. /dev/null

    1. 2>&1

    1. &

    2. Replace

the latter mentioned
    1. those occurrences with the following

.nohup bash
    1. :  nohup bash "$CARBON_HOME"/bin/

    1. $args

    1. >

    1. /dev/null

    1. 2>&1

    1. &

You need to do the following modification to the <ES_HOME>/bin/ file, to start the product as a service/in nohup mode on Solaris.
Open the

If you are starting the product in service/nohup mode in Solaris, do the following:

  1. Update the <ES_HOME>/bin/ file
in a text editor.
  1. as follows:
    1. Search for the following occurrences: 

Code Block
Code Block

The only change is replacing sh with bash. This is required only for Solaris.

  • Update your PATH variable to have /usr/xpg4/bin/sh as the first element. This is because /usr/xpg4/bin/sh contains an sh shell that is newer than the default sh shell. You can set this variable as a system property in the script or you can run the following command on a terminal:

    Code Block
    export PATH=/usr/xpg4/bin/sh:$PATH
  • Start the product by following the above instructions.
  • Accessing the ES Consoles


    You can use this URL to access the Management Console on this computer from any other computer connected to the Internet or LAN. When accessing the Management Console from the same server where it is installed, you can type localhost instead of the IP address as follows: https://localhost:9443/carbon You can change the


    The Management Console URL can be changed by modifying the value of


    the MgtHostName in the <ES_HOME>/repository/conf/carbon.xmlfile.

    Code Block

    When the host is internal or not resolved by a DNS, map the hostname alias to its IP address in the /etc/hosts file of your system, and then enter that alias as the value of the <MgtHostName> property in carbon.xml. For example:
