Versions Compared


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This allows you to prevent certain user roles from viewing and modifying APIs created by another user role. The two visibility values mean the following:

  • Public : When the API creator publishes an API to the API Store, it will be The API is visible to all users (subscribers as well as and anonymous users) of the API Storeits tenant store. Also, the API can be advertised in multiple stores - a central store and/or non-WSO2 stores.
  • Restricted by Roles :  When the API creator publishes an API to the API Store, it will be The API is visible only to specific user roles in the API Storetenant store. When Restricted by Roles is selected, a new field called Visible to Roles appears where you can specify the user roles that have access to the API in a comma-separated list (no spaces).

    If you specify
    • Roles that have API creation and publication permission can see all APIs in their tenant store even if you restrict access to those roles. This is because any role that has API creation and publication permission can view and edit all APIs in the API Publisher. Therefore, there is no reason to hide the APIs from them in the Store.
    • If you restrict the default subscriber role
    • under the Visible to Roles
    • category, any user who self subscribes to the API Store will be able to access the API.
    • This is because the API Manager assigns the subscriber role to all users who sign up to the API Store.

Given below is how visibility levels work for users in different tenant modes:

Visibility in super tenant mode

Subscribers in super tenant mode can see an API depending on its visibility level as follows:


Go back to Creating an API page.


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