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Go to the WSO2 administration guide for detailed instructions on how to configure JMX for a WSO2 product, how to use JConsole for monitoring a product and for descriptions of the common MBeans used by all WSO2 products. 

 Listed below are the MBeans that are specific to WSO2 AS.

Table of Contents

ServiceAdmin MBean

This MBean is used for administering services deployed in WSO2 AS. Its attributes are as follows:

NumberOfActiveServicesThe number of services which can currently serve requests.
NumberOfInactiveServicesThe number of services which have been disabled by an administrator.


The number of services which are faulty.

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The operations available in the ServiceAdmin MBean:

startService(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can activate a service using this operation.
stopService(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can deactivate/disable a service using this operation.

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Statistics MBean

This MBean is used for monitoring system and server statistics. Its attributes are as follows:

AvgSystemResponseTimeThe average response time for all the services deployed in the system. The beginning of the measurement is the time at which the server started.
MaxSystemResponseTimeThe maximum response time for all the services deployed in the system. The beginning of the measurement is the time at which the server started.
MinSystemResponseTimeThe minimum time for all the services deployed in the system. The beginning of the measurement is the time at which the server started.
SystemFaultCount The total number of faults that occurred in the system since the server was started.
SystemRequestCountThe total number of requests that has been served by the system since the server was started.
SystemResponseCountThe total number of response that has been sent by the system since the server was started.

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Operations available in the Statistics MBean:

getServiceRequestCount(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the total number of requests received by this service since the time it was deployed, using this operation.
getServiceResponseCount(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the total number of responses sent by this service since the time it was deployed, using this operation.
getServiceFaultCount(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the total number of fault responses sent by this service since the time it was deployed, using this operation.
getMaxServiceResponseTime(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the maximum response time of this service since deployment.
getMinServiceResponseTime(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the minimum response time of this service since deployment.
getAvgServiceResponseTime(p1:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the average response time of this service since deployment.
getOperationRequestCount(p1:stringp2:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the total number of requests received by this operation since the time its service was deployed, using this operation.
getOperationResponseCount(p1:stringp2:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the total number of responses sent by this operation since the time its service was deployed, using this operation.
getOperationFaultCount(p1:stringp2:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the total number of fault responses sent by this operation since the time its service was deployed, using this operation.
getMaxOperationResponseTime(p1:stringp2:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the maximum response time of this operation since deployment.
getMinOperationResponseTime(p1:stringp2:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the minimum response time of this operation since deployment.
getAvgOperationResponseTime(p1:stringp2:string)The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the average response time of this operation since deployment.

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