Versions Compared


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  1. Download and install the MySQL Server.

  2. Download the MySQL JDBC driver.

  3. Download and unzip the WSO2 EI binary distribution. Be sure to select the correct product version. 


    Throughout this guide, <EI_HOME> refers to the extracted directory of the WSO2 EI product distribution.

  4. Unzip the downloaded MySQL driver, and copy the MySQL JDBC driver JAR (mysql-connector-java-x.x.xx-bin.jar) to the <EI_HOME>/lib/ directory of both the WSO2 EI nodes.
  5. Add the following line to the /etc/hosts file to define the hostname for configuring permissions for the new database: <MYSQL-DB-SERVER-IP>


    Do this step only if your database is not on your local machine and on a separate server.

  6. Execute the following command in a terminal/command window, where username is the username you want to use to access the databases: mysql -u username -p
  7. When prompted, specify the password to access the databases.

  8. Create the databases using the following commands:

    Code Block
    mysql> create database WSO2_USER_DB;
    mysql> use WSO2_USER_DB;
    mysql> source <EI_HOME>/dbscripts/mysql.sql;
    mysql> grant all on WSO2_USER_DB.* TO regadmin@"" identified by "regadmin";
    mysql> create database REGISTRY_DB;
    mysql> use REGISTRY_DB;
    mysql> source <EI_HOME>/dbscripts/mysql.sql;
    mysql> grant all on REGISTRY_DB.* TO regadmin@"" identified by "regadmin";
    mysql> create database REGISTRY_LOCAL1;
    mysql> use REGISTRY_LOCAL1;
    mysql> source <EI_HOME>/dbscripts/mysql.sql;
    mysql> grant all on REGISTRY_LOCAL1.* TO regadmin@"" identified by "regadmin";
    mysql> create database REGISTRY_LOCAL2;
    mysql> use REGISTRY_LOCAL2;
    mysql> source <EI_HOME>/dbscripts/mysql.sql;
    mysql> grant all on REGISTRY_LOCAL2.* TO regadmin@"" identified 
    by "regadmin";
    titleAbout using MySQL in different operating systems

    For users of Microsoft Windows, when creating the database in MySQL, it is important to specify the character set as latin1. Failure to do this may result in an error (error code: 1709) when starting your cluster. This error occurs in certain versions of MySQL (5.6.x) and is related to the UTF-8 encoding. MySQL originally used the latin1 character set by default, which stored characters in a 2-byte sequence. However, in recent versions, MySQL defaults to UTF-8 to be friendlier to international users. Hence, you must use latin1 as the character set as indicated below in the database creation commands to avoid this problem. Note that this may result in issues with non-latin characters (like Hebrew, Japanese, etc.). The following is how your database creation command should look.

    mysql> create database <DATABASE_NAME> character set latin1;

    For users of other operating systems, the standard database creation commands will suffice. For these operating systems, the following is how your database creation command should look.

    mysql> create database <DATABASE_NAME>;
  9. Create and configure the MB_DB database, which is specific to the MB profile:


    <EI_HOME> , username, and password are the same as those you specified in the previous steps.

    Code Block
    mysql> create database wso2_mb;
    mysql> use wso2_mb;
    mysql> source <EI_HOME>/wso2/broker/dbscripts/mb-store/mysql-mb.sql;
    mysql> grant all on wso2_mb.* TO regadmin@"" identified by "regadmin";
