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BAM Mediation Data Agent is used to collect statistics related to mediation data from the WSO2 ESB and send to the WSO2 BAM server. BAM server receives data events via its Thrift API. This protocol uses a binary protocol and enables fast data transmission between ESB and BAM server. BAM Mediation Data Agent can be configured early so that the statistics to be extracted from mediation data of ESB can be pre-defined. In the configuration panel the user can specify the BAM server (Thrift server) related information and Properties to be extracted from the Configuration Context of ESB. The user should define the Event Stream related parameters uniquely identified by a name and a version.In this section you can see about,

The following sections are covered:

  1. Installing BAM Mediation Data Agent Feature
  2. Using Data Agent?
  3. What does Mediation Statistics Tell?

Installing BAM Mediation Data Agent


Aggregate in ESB
Installing BAM Mediation data agent
Installing BAM Mediation data agent

The following installation instructions apply to WSO2 ESB version 4.5.x.

1. Download WSO2 ESB from url: ESB version 4.5.x or later from Since BAM Mediation Data Agent Aggregate feature is available by default from ESB 4.6.0 onwards, you do not have to install it separately if you use a newer ESB version.

2. When running both ESB and BAM servers concurrently, change the port number of one server by applying an offset in file <esb_home>/repository/conf/carbon.xml. To apply an offset, change the value in xpath Server/Ports/Offset from 0 to some other integer. For example,


  • on Linux
  • on MS Windows wso2server.bat

4. After starting the server, go to ESB management console. Instructions are similar to those in section Running Installing the Product.

5. In the management console, select "Configure -> Features" and click the "Repository Management" tab. Then select a P2 repository either from a URL or a file. For instructions, refer to section Managing the Feature Repository.

For example,

Then click Add.

6. Go to "Available Features" tab and select the repository added above. The, click on "Find Features" button. From the list of features that appears, select "BAM Service Mediation Data Agent Aggregate" feature and click "Install."


8. Restart the WSO2 ESB server.

Using Mediation Data Agent
using Data Agent
using Data Agent

Here describes with a sample how to use the Mediation Data Agent to log mediation statistics data into a Cassandra Database. There are four basic steps involved.



Enable Activity Service feature will be implemented from the next release of BAM.

Stream Definition Configuration:

  • Stream Name : Stream Name can be any string with alpha-numeric characters
  • Version : Stream Version distinguishes different streams with the same Stream Name. Default version should be 1.0.0 .
  • Nick Name : This is a user preferred nick name to the Stream Name in alpha-numeric characters
  • Description : A description describing about the particular stream defined by Stream Name, Stream Version pair. Description should also consists of alpha-numeric characters.

BAM Credentials:

  • BAM URL : Enter the IP address of the BAM server. And the port should be the thrift port ( ex: tcp:// ). You can add a comma-separated list of server URLs to ensure that load is distributed among many servers and to minimize effects of a failure of one server node. This load balancing feature is an enhancement of the BAM 2.0.1 release onwards.
  • Username: Put the BAM Thrift log-in user name. Default value is admin.
  • Password: Put the BAM Thrift log-in password. Default value is admin.
