Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
DescriptionSet up a VPN on your Android devices remotely. It allows the device to access secured resources on the intranet of an organizationOrganization.
Resource Path
  • Adding a policy that is in the inactive state /inactive-policy.
  • Adding a policy that is in the active state /active-policy.
URL/mdm-android-agent/operation/vpnadmin/policies/inactive-policy or /mdm-admin/policies/active-policy
Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
Code Block
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -d @'<JSON_PAYLOAD>' -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-android-agent/operation/vpn-admin/policies/inactive-policy
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -d @'<JSON_PAYLOAD>' -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/policies/active-policy
  • For more information on how to generate the EMM API token, see Generating the OAuth 2.0 Access Token.
  • Define the path to the JSON file, which lists the devices that this operation is applied on, as the <JSON_PAYLOAD> value. For more information, see the Sample JSON Definition.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.


Code Block
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 28cb30924cab975a076cee37fe3cabc33392fb365b3ac693b405b565ddc8a3a" -d @'operationpolicy.json' -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-android-agent/operation/vpn-admin/policies/inactive-policy
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 33392fb365b3ac693b405b565ddc8a3a" -d @'policy.json' -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/policies/active-policy
 Sample output
Code Block
> POST /mdm-android-agentadmin/operationpolicies/vpnactive-policy HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:9443
> User-Agent: curl/7.43.0
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer 428cb30924cab975a076cee37fe3cabc33392fb365b3ac693b405b565ddc8a3a
> Content-Length: 185420
< HTTP/1.1 201 Created
< Date: WedThu, 2725 AprFeb 2016 1306:1730:1018 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 076
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server  Server
{"statusCode":201,"messageFromServer":"Policy has been added successfully."} 
Sample JSON Definition 
Code Block
     "deviceIDs":[ ]
Property ValueDescriptionData
operationThis specifies the operation that is to be applied on the Android device.
policyNameThe name of the policy.String
DescriptionProvide a description on what the policy is based on.String

Define the non-compliance rules. WSO2 EMM provides the following non-compliance rules:

  • Enforce - Forcefully enforce the policies on the devices.
  • Warning - If the device does not adhere to the given policies a warning message will be sent.
  • Monitor - If the device does not adhere to the given policies the server is notified of the violation unknown to the user and the administrator can take the necessary actions with regard to the reported.

Define the define ownership type using the values given below:

  • ANY - The policy will be applied on the BYOD and COPE device types.
  • BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) - The policy will only be applied on the BYOD device type.
  • COPE (Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled) - The policy will only be applied on the COPE device type.
profileProvide the policy profile details.-
profileNameThe name of the policy that is being added.String

The ID used to define the type of the device platform.

For more information on the unique ID for the device platforms supported by the EMM, see Getting Details of the Devices Supported via WSO2 EMM.

profileFeaturesListLists the features that belong to the profile.-

Provide the code that defines the policy you wish to add.

deviceTypeIdThe ID used to define the type of the device platform.Integer

The list of parameters that define the policy.

For more information on the feature list for Windows policies, see profileFeaturesList - policy based.



Define the server address of the VPN.String


Define the server port of the VPN.String


Define the shared secret for the VPN connection. This is used for secure communication between the device and the WSO2 EMM server.



Define the DNS server URL. This field is optional.String


ID of the Android device. Multiple device IDs can be added by using comma separated values. 
For more information on retrieving the device ID, see Retrieving the ID of an Android device.
StringrolesDefine the roles the policy needs to be applied on. The policy will be applied on the respective user roles devices.String array